Toronto The Florian | ?m | 25s | Mirabella Dev Corp | Hariri Pontarini

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Given the price-point, it'll likely be built with top-quality materials, in which case it'll look great. I think the design is quite responsive to the site. It's not just a box.
Sputter! Cough!

I suppose we have yet to see just which top quality materials will be employed here and how they will be implemented...

but to take a swipe at "top quality materials" in general? And another knock at Trump?

Somebody's out trolling...

Top-quality materials most certainly elevate an already strong design at Trump. Remember, US, respond to the design, not the brand. Even Lisa Rochon likes it. So, you have permission to like it too. Back to Florian.
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Would be nice to have had a rounded tower here... or something other than this boring, bloated tower block. Boo.
Always build the worst location first.

Funny how that happens.
