Toronto The Brixton | 45.41m | 12s | CentreCourt | Graziani + Corazza





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The buildings are all fenced off now. Yay for several blocks of bland buildings with generic retail!
The existing uses are staying. This adds some needed dedicated rental stock and office space to the area. I'm not too upset. From a planning perspective it's a pretty solid project.. Though yes, the architecture is rather lacking.
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It's sad to see all the other creative businesses forced out.

Happened in Yorkville. Happened on Queen West (University to Spadina). A reality in a booming city. A shame but not sure it can be stopped.
Demolition has begun and is progressing quick. Damn shame. More retail that won't be leased just like the Carnaby project on Gladstone and the buildings on the laneway behind it. The building has been standing for years and still, all that retail space is vacant.
Damn shame. More retail that won't be leased just like the Carnaby project on Gladstone and the buildings on the laneway behind it. The building has been standing for years and still, all that retail space is vacant.
Strange? unless the rents are astronomical properties rent pretty well around there...just a matter of time
ownership demands are too high for rents - which leads to problems leasing.

It reminds me of the building at King and tecumseh, there is a high quality, high profile corner retail unit that has been empty since the building opened 5 years ago. It's a case of a landlord wanting a high quality tenant when there is none. So the units sit empty.

Eventually, however long that may be, the landlord will settle for a lesser, riskier tenant that pays less, to fill the space. But it will take time for them to adjust and realize they will likely lose money on the space.

Wicked Willy is talking about the retail spaces on the interior of the laneway for The Carnaby.

There is generally speaking a lot of empty retail in the new condos in this area - uptake has been very slow. The retail units around Lisgar Park are largely empty as well, and many of those buildings have been done for several years now.
I don't believe any retail actually opens onto Minowan Miikan Lane. It all fronts onto Gladstone.

Still, while it is all vacant, I would hope that a higher-traffic street like Dufferin might fare better. That said, because of the speed of traffic, it might not.
