Developer: Zancor Homes
Architect: BDP Quadrangle
Address: 2450 Old Bronte Rd, Oakville
Category: Residential (Condo)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2023
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: 8 storeys
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Oakville The Branch | ?m | 8s | Zancor Homes | BDP Quadrangle

Edward Skira
Staff member
Member Bio
Apr 22, 2007
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2450 Old Bronte Road, Oakville
334 Units - 8 Storeys

Closest Intersection: Dundas Street West & Bronte Road
Developer: Zancor Homes
Suite Sizes: 525 sq. ft. – 1,090 sq.ft.

Reminds me of some buildings planned along the Queensway. The streetwall and formation is consistent, and should gradually intensify what looks to be a pretty barren area.

Oakville has plans for Old Bronte to become an urban, walkable "main street".

That god-awful condo completed to the north of this one has the ground floor retail to show it, though it's probably the worst condo development in the GTA in the last decade or so. It's hilariously bad.
From cruising along via Google Street View, there's definitely still a long way to go in terms of urbanizing Old Bronte. Lining it with mid-rises would be a start. But even with that, it seems like it'll still be an isolated island of density. Not necessarily an established major retail centre in the immediate area, nor is there an attraction nearby (not close to the waterfront) to encourage pedestrian activity. The closest transit facility, Bronte GO Station, is also a mandatory drive away.
