Toronto The Berczy | 41.76m | 13s | Concert | Arcadis

Amidst the destruction, it's neat to see little details become uncovered as surrounding buildings come down. For instance check out the little wrought iron balcony on the building to the right. Who'd have known?
Feb 18





Just because you don't like over-rated, uninspired, PoMo heaps, doesn't mean that others share your entirely justifiable concern.
Coming upon this site this afternoon, for a minute the flatiron building made me feel like I may be in one of the best cities' old town district in Canada: Gastown. Then I realized how ironic that a Vancouver developer is wrecking the potential for this corner.:( They wanna keep the beautiful in BC only.
This one will be a great addition to the area. Lets just hope for quality materials.
This is an exciting development that fits in nicely in the neighbourhood (so long as it's not overpowering the Flatiron building... might be hard not to since it's not as big physically as it is prominent). I agree that it's dependent on the quality of the materials. Concert can't afford to screw up on this corner or their reputation in Toronto will be killed. I have high hopes and also hope that the retail is top notch.
To the people that have been negative on this project, what alteratives would you have proposed? I'm interested to hear your views.
Something that isn't mundanely generic historical pastiche with an extruded core of let's-hedge-our-bets pseudo-Modernism might be a nice starting point.
That still doesn't sound like an alternative has been provided.

What would you have done differently if you were the designer? I'm not putting you or your opinion down. Challenging it maybe. Just looking for some substance as to what would make for a better building design at this location.
Walked by the site yesterday, demolition of the front street buildings nearly done - a couple more days maybe.
That south building doesnt seem to be moving too fast in terms of its dismatling and salvaging.
I don't see a 'world' of difference between the Berczy and Market Wharf (ugh, the name). Both are essentially red-brick podiums with glass hats. Yes, the aesthetic is different. Yes, the proportions are different. Yes, MW's hat is worn somewhat more jauntily than the Berzy's... but the different contexts work in each one's favour. I wouldn't want to see Market Wharf where the Berczy is, and vice versa. The Berczy's glass acts as a backdrop to the real star across the street from it, and little more. The glass hat of Market Warf cries out, 'look at me'... or rather 'look at me.... please!' (said a little desperately). Hey, so what! I like both buildings. Neither are extremely unique for what each one professes to be but both are likeable improvents (with caveats for the quality of materials to be used at the Berczy, of course!).

^^^ well said. luckily there are a range of styles and tastes to suit everyone otherwise this world would be one helluva boring place. I can find something to like in just about every style as long as its done well and not simply repeated in a cut and paste way from something we've already seen.
