Toronto The Bentway (was Under Gardiner) | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

What should be the permanent name for the park under the Gardiner?

  • The Artery

    Votes: 13 6.8%
  • The Bentway

    Votes: 84 43.8%
  • Under Gardiner

    Votes: 52 27.1%
  • None of the above

    Votes: 43 22.4%

  • Total voters
The Waterfront BIA has announced their winners for Waterfront Reconnect.

CBC has the story here:

Your winners are Boomtown:



And Pixel Story:


Images are taken from my post on the previous page; but originally here:
how about figuring out a way to fix the pillars and underbelly so that it isnt crumbling every 2 years. Maybe this Is magic paint that will keep this thing together?
The report on Downtown Priority Parks was before Executive Ctte today was approved, with Amendments.

The amendments serve to add expansion of 'The Bentway' as a priority project; and also seek to advance University Park, in part, by breaking into manageable chunks.....
Curiously, though, the suggestion is to start at the north end of University Park (Queen's Park Crescent West ???)

One needs to REGISTER for this.

The future of the Under Gardiner​

In partnership with the City of Toronto, The Bentway is developing the Under Gardiner Public Realm Plan (PRP) to outline how the Expressway - from Dufferin to the DVP - can evolve to better serve our city.

Following 8 months of community and stakeholder consultation, we’re excited to reveal the Plan’s emerging recommendations and opportunities.

On Tuesdays from January 17 to February 7, come join us at an interactive Open House to learn how we are re-imagining the Under Gardiner together.
Coming to Council next week:

MM5.24 - Authorization to Release Section 37 Funds from the Development at 200 Queens Quay West to the Bentway Conservancy for the Waterfront Reconnect Project to be constructed under the Gardiner Expressway at Lower Simcoe Street - by Councillor Ausma Malik, seconded by Councillor Paula Fletcher​

Notice of Motion
Consideration Type: ACTIONWard: 10 - Spadina - Fort York
* Notice of this Motion has been given.
* This Motion is subject to referral to the Executive Committee. A two-thirds vote is required to waive referral.


Councillor Ausma Malik, seconded by Councillor Paula Fletcher, recommends that:

1. City Council increase the 2023 City Council Approved Operating Budget for Non-Program by $92,179.93 gross, $0 net, (Cost Centre: NP2161) on a one-time basis, fully funded by Section 37 community benefits obtained from the development of the lands municipally known in the year 2021 as 200, 208 and 218 Queens Quay West, and 8 York Street and 228 and 230 Queens Quay West (Source Account: 220096), for the purpose provided for in the enabling by-law of forwarding funds to the Bentway Conservancy for improvements under the Gardiner Expressway at Lower Simcoe Street as part of the Bentway Waterfront Reconnect project.

2. City Council approve forwarding the Section 37 funding in the amount of $92,179.93 to the Bentway Conservancy, subject to the organization signing an Undertaking governing the use of the funds and the financial reporting requirements.

