Toronto The Address at High Park | ?m | 12s | Chestnut Hill | BDP Quadrangle

As if the baby blue spandrel wasn't atrocious enough, they went and added mustard ones for good measure. Wow.
16 January 2014:
I had my PDI last week. I asked about the commercial spaces. One has been leased to a dentist and the other to a coffee shop. He wouldn't provide a name of the chain.

Resident here, no dentist is moving in that I'm aware of. I've been told of a Orange Julius/ Dairy Queen and a yet to be determined coffee shop. Starbucks was ready to move in, but after checking their market research decided to hold off. Second Cup was also interested, but couldn't find a franchise owner. They're really pushing for a coffee chain to go in that corner unit, which makes sense as it seems like its designed to perfectly accommodate one. Aroma espresso bar might have been another candidate. The person I spoke to didn't remember the name but said it seemed familiar.
Nicely composed shot!

Y'know, this building is not exactly beautiful, and the blue and yellow reminds me of aging mid-century formica countertops, but in the pic above it adds a nice bit of pastel glow to what would otherwise be a still pleasant but much duller scene.

Toronto's crazy quilt of neighbouring contrasting building styles still works overall!

FYI, there appear to be three tenants in the retail space: An Orange Julius/DQ combo, a pharmacy and a dentist office.

They really wanted a coffee shop of some sort to occupy the corner unit (which will have a small patio) but were unable to get any takers. Starbucks was interested, but looked at demographics and declined. And Second Cup couldn't find a franchisee.

So that's now where the dentist office will go. What a waste of a patio.
Compare Starbucks and a dentist's office. The dentist is a better use of the patio space? Not good news.

