Toronto The Address at High Park | ?m | 12s | Chestnut Hill | BDP Quadrangle

Working on final floor, so close to T/O:

Any cladding yet? I was by last weekend and it looked like they were getting the east side ready for brickwork.

Also there still hasn't been an upgrade / colour meeting yet.
So I know you can't tell 100% from the pics but is it just me or do the top 2 floors look the exact same height as the floors below? I ask as they're supposed to be 10 foot vs 9 ft. That would be a pretty big screw up.
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Throughout the construction of this building, the heavy trucks on Indian Road have been damaging the road surface. They've often exposed the historic brick pavement under the thin layer of asphalt:


The city just patches it with more asphalt every time, like an ordinary pot hole. It would be great to restore this surface.
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I should add plumbing (pipes) & electrical or heating conduits are up to the fourth floor as far as I can tell. Yeah love the brick roads in this area and agree would be great if they restored them, at least in parts.

Here's a shot from Indian Rd:


And from the Wallace Street pedestrian bridge:

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14 December 2012: Not a bit of cladding or glazing in sight: Focus is on capping off PH roof & MPH bits. The white bit you see is the GlasRoc weather proof sheathing.

Does that make sense for them to have that strategy? I'm sure it's a push to get the crane down but once the roof is done they have to commit to an occupancy date. From what I've seen most buildings have 4-5 floors of cladding in at this point.
Just a reminder of what this is supposed to look like when completed:


That would be a handsome building. What is going up facing north is not promising.
^Breaking news: That render lies! Building is gonna be an eyesore! Vomit brown concrete "brick" veneer meets baby blue & grey spandrel/window wall frames. Blah.

22 December 2012: Just walked all around this building:


Not a fan of how it meets the corner of Bloor & Indian Road:

This is not aA-approved red brick:

ww/cladding should go up in a hurry:

Baby blue meets brown brick--reminds me of that eyesore in Uptown Waterloo:

Address at High Park is giving me the blues:

Grey ww:

At least it is better than what it replaced...but it's not Ideal Lofts calibre.

What the strip needs?

Stuff like East Lofts on King Street East, Abacus Lofts on Dundas West, Origami Lofts at Queen & Bathurst.
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