Toronto Telus House - 25 York Street | 136.24m | 30s | Menkes | Sweeny &Co


thelastminute at
Great shots of a great building. Glass is truly amazing and perfect for our climate/region of the world. Thanks for posting. BTW, has it topped out yet?
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Nothing as dramatic as the previous photo... Jan 2
They are still great photos, and very welcome! Thank you for posting them.
Anything planned for the parking lot and and brick warehouse in that 1st photo.
That gets discussed a lot in various threads it seems haha. It's not a warehouse though.
i was downtown last night and noticed the telus tower is really set back from the street
January 5 2009 update

north view of Telus Tower ~

I imagine they did that because Bremner is such a narrow street to have such high density around it. Wide sidewalks are a must here.
I don't think it's as set back as it looks, either. Keep in mind that Bremner is missing two lanes right now. Once the hoarding is removed and those lanes are reopened it won't seem set back quite so far
I imagine they did that because Bremner is such a narrow street to have such high density around it. Wide sidewalks are a must here.

What's the size of the street have to do with the size of the sidewalk? Are the people otherwise going to walk on the narrow street?
