Toronto Telus House - 25 York Street | 136.24m | 30s | Menkes | Sweeny &Co

Ya wimps. My old home town would have three or four week stretches every winter, where the temperature never rose above -40!

There's a reason why I moved to Toronto.
Actually, Northwestern Ontario. This webpage shows the average January temperature across Ontario, where my old hometown would be in the -22 to -18 degrees Celsius band. Keep in mind though, that February is colder than January, especially up north, and these bands show the average temperatures -- cold snaps can and do take the temperatures below -40 for weeks on end.

The reason why I ask is that the only place I know of where the actual temperature (not windchill) hits -40 for a duration of four weeks or so would be in Nunavut.

But once it hits -25, who really cares?
I was in Dublin all summer and the rain definitely got to me. We got it for 2 months straight at one point.

I'd take a north-eastern winter over a British Isles' winter any day.
Ya, the cold winter rain can get to you. Somtimes can feel colder than a -10. -20. Not just me--Pollish people complain about it too. Last "summer" over here was a joke, but uncommon. London usually has heat waves (I haven't spent a summer in Dub yet). Luckily I was back in TO for a bit of the summer where I got to see a bit of the Telus Tower construction. See how I did that, right back on topic. :D
February 24



I love how close to the street this one is. It's like ON the street haha. This area is going to change so much!
