Toronto TeaHouse 501 Yonge Condominiums | 170.98m | 52s | Lanterra | a—A

Thanks drewp.

Leaving the issue of massing and architecture aside, the rezoning app does contain a lot of interesting info - like how they handled the TTC right of way, which literally transects the site. Looks like they are transferring the loads from the tower and podium to a series of beams above the subway line...

It looks great. The glass faced portion of the podium would be a great place to put the old Sam the Record Man signs.


Looks alright but I think my proposal was sexier.:)

(I can already predict the aA-haters rants starting. Looking forward to reading their posts later tonight.:))
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The twin condo towers on a huge crappy podium thing is getting very played out in this city. It's hard to stay positive about the new developments these days.
I am prefacing my two cents' worth here by firstly repeating myself - "these are not official renderings", and also "I am neutral on aA".

Having said that, I offer up two points:

1) What, no trees on Yonge? ####!!!.

2) If the original Yonge exterior of Eaton Centre had been designed like this podium, it would have been deemed "heritage" and untouchable by this point in time. I don't have such a problem with what I'm beholding in the picture, it foils what is on Yonge nicely, to be totally frank about it. But I am still so sorry to see no effort put toward integrating this development into the area immediately to the east; that is a shame.
Even if the date isn't recent, that doesn't explain why you'd spend the money to make renders of a massing study (one of which focuses on the towers themselves). Are there other examples of this happening?
Clewes himself kept mentioning at the public meeting a few months ago that the podium design (including the depiction in the renderings someone posted as a pdf yesterday) was very preliminary.
