Toronto TCHC Block 32 Development | ?m | 41s | TCHC | KPMB

Who would have ever thought that a tower of low rent housing would be the most striking feature when looking west from the CN Tower...
She really stands out

Yea its kinda tricky shooting directly into the sun, through a pane of glass in a backlit room, on a hazy day, with children bumping into you, tourists asking you to take pictures of them, and people yelling foreign languages. Considering the circumstances, oversaturated will do. You can always spend the 27 bucks and go take a few yourself.
Stay on topic please.


As you can see your nazi modarator attitude has made this site very non conversational. Wow! You must be so proud that your site is so successful that no one is saying anything. Good job!!!!

Just show pics of the inside of this building please.
As you can see your nazi modarator attitude has made this site very non conversational. Wow! You must be so proud that your site is so successful that no one is saying anything. Good job!!!!

Just show pics of the inside of this building please.

Interior pics belong in the real estate forum, sorry! :p

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As you can see your nazi modarator attitude has made this site very non conversational. Wow! You must be so proud that your site is so successful that no one is saying anything. Good job!!!!

Maybe I and others have better things to do then reply within a few minutes of the last post. And seriously, are you intentional trying to alienate everyone on this forum, including those running it? You're off to a great start.
I've forgotten. Is this one TCHC building the only one that's going up there, or is there another phase to it further west?

does anyone know if there will be parking? if so , how much is it?

