Toronto Sun Life Financial Tower & Harbour Plaza Residences | 236.51m | 67s | Menkes | Sweeny &Co

call me crazy, but i'd still take this design any day over Tridels 10 york. these towers don't have weird podiums and are very slim/sleek silhouette,
I'm dying to see a rendering. Ah, I have such a soft spot for architectsAlliance... I'm very curious to see what it will look like.

When do we think we'll see renderings?
does the wording from the frontpage story mean there will be a direct path connection, or that the path connection is close by?
call me crazy, but i'd still take this design any day over Tridels 10 york. these towers don't have weird podiums and are very slim/sleek silhouette,

your crazy. absalutely koo-koo. if this gets approved, i will lose all respect for this city.
your crazy. absalutely koo-koo. if this gets approved, i will lose all respect for this city.

Why? It's an appropriate area for high-rise development, I don't see the problem here. I look forward to the renderings, I hope they shake it up a bit and design something that is fresh and really stands out for all three buildings. I'm happy to see even more office space going up too.
Almost looks to me like the towers feature vertical bands of colour sweeping across the top. Would be rather interesting.

Overall, a great-looking proposal. I wonder if any law firm would risk moving down here? Great advertising potential, beautiful office tower ... but too far from the majority of biz folk?
Why? It's an appropriate area for high-rise development, I don't see the problem here. I look forward to the renderings, I hope they shake it up a bit and design something that is fresh and really stands out for all three buildings. I'm happy to see even more office space going up too.

We're talking about aA here..
how anyone could be excited about this proposed design eludes me. Every new proposal in this area looks exactly the same. The degree of monotony is tiresome. Two point tower condos and a box office building. The formula is so obvious. And to think that these "architects" are making millions of dollars... disgusting. As I and many other have said many times... in this city, development is so much about the bottom line profits and so little about excellent design. Cram as much gross floor space as possible into the building site, skimp on the design (design floor plate and stack to the desired height) and then charge outrageous prices to the hypnotized masses.

And yes, the twin tower thing is being way overdone in this city... why not mix it up and do a threesome or foursome of differing heights so there is some sort of dynamic at play?
^Wonderful post, Redroom. It's exactly how feel about the direction our downtown, and especially the high profile "Southcore" zone. This mad plethora of 70 floor CD case buildings being tossed up is like an architectural viral outbreak that most of us, and future generations will decry for decades on.

Since we don't have a design review panel for the downtown the only thing that can stop them at this point is the much anticipated, long time predicted, bursting of the condo bubble. Which is not something I necessarily hope for just for the sake of stopping the momentum of condo clone architecture. A populace that gives a crap about aesthetics and engaging design when it comes to city building would be much preferable.
Yes I was willing to embrace the ice development due to it's difference with other box developments but now the formula has overreached. I oppose this zombied iteration. Terrible.
Did you guys notice the city's only complaint/concern with this development was the spacing between the towers? Do you think it is possible if push came to shove we could end up with slimmer and taller towers. As the developer complies with the city's request in this regard.
