Address: 55 Lake Shore Blvd E, Toronto
Category: Residential (Affordable Rental, Condo), Commercial (Retail), Institutional (Education, Community Centre), Public Space / Park
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 930 ft / 283.60 mStoreys: 85 storeys
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Toronto Sugar Wharf Condominiums (Phase 2) | 283.6m | 85s | Menkes | a—A

Judging by the pipes and those steel objects, it looks like this is for new utility/watermain work.

Question is, is it for the Downes Rd extension? On a side note, Freeland St is supposed to undergo watermain/sewer rehabilitation work next year so maybe it relates to connecting to that as well.
The CofA issued its Decision approving the Minor Variance here on Wednesday. (Oct 30th)


The only condition on the approval was the standard Metrolinx proximity clause.

Below are the updated renderings of the now approved Minor Variance design:
PLN-CA Supporting Material - 55 Lake Shore MV Application Presentation Slides-3.jpg
PLN-CA Supporting Material - 55 Lake Shore MV Application Presentation Slides-4.jpg
PLN-CA Supporting Material - 55 Lake Shore MV Application Presentation Slides-5.jpg
PLN-CA Supporting Material - 55 Lake Shore MV Application Presentation Slides-6.jpg

*Edit: Please note that the above images are intended to be preliminary perspectives for massing purposes. We can expect proper renderings as the proponent further refines the design
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