Address: 95 Lake Shore Blvd E, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2023
Height: 758 ft / 231.00 mStoreys: 70 storeys
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Toronto Sugar Wharf Condominiums (Phase 1) | 231m | 70s | Menkes | a—A

Is it an amenity provision? It seemed like a commercial venture (like GoodLife Fitness).
If it is a Goodlife they may provide complementary membership. That is what they do at 25 Ordinance with Altea Active (or at least used to do last time I checked)
Huh, there's a Toronto run community centre across the street offering similar things. Not a bad thing to have more of this and give people options though.
That community centre over at One Yonge doesnt have a large fitness facility, but rather a very small fitness "room". So not really similar offerings.
That community centre over at One Yonge doesnt have a large fitness facility, but rather a very small fitness "room". So not really similar offerings.

We were there for a swimming class on the weekend and it's already pretty busy. I imagine that once all those towers are occupied there'll be plenty of room for a Goodlife.
We were there for a swimming class on the weekend and it's already pretty busy. I imagine that once all those towers are occupied there'll be plenty of room for a Goodlife.
There's no space in the existing Pinnacle building to open up a gym anywhere close to that size. The most that could be done would be to convert some of those Flex Rooms into a somewhat useful fitness room.

Another gym will be opening next door in the podium of the Sugar Wharf office building, but they'll be charging people premium $$$$ (even more expensive than Goodlife).
There's no space in the existing Pinnacle building to open up a gym anywhere close to that size. The most that could be done would be to convert some of those Flex Rooms into a somewhat useful fitness room.

Another gym will be opening next door in the podium of the Sugar Wharf office building, but they'll be charging people premium $$$$ (even more expensive than Goodlife).

Goodlife is already one of the cheapest gym chains! I'd be more concerned if it was a Sweat and Tonic, Altea, or Barrys.
