Toronto Sugar Wharf Condominiums (Phase 1) | 231m | 70s | Menkes | a—A

I believe this is the construction site for this Phase/buildings. You can see the LCBO tower site in the background. T
his is from the yonge/york ramp.


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^Glad you found a way. If that happens next time, another tip I could share is to stop the page from fulling loading in incognito (it may require a few refreshes but you'll get it eventually).
Sorry, I used the wrong terminology, it's not phase 2, just the west tower, which is a mirror copy of the east tower that was launched earlier this month. They're shown together in the renderings so far.

phase 2 is 90storey and 87s. right? R there any renders for phase 2?
that's what I thought cause Menkes said that they wont be launching Phase 2 until phase 1 is complete.
I tried that in google and still didn't work :( I used to try Printing the page before they could have the thing pop up...

got it to work by Ctrl P lol
The key with beating a paywall on incognito mode is hitting the stop loading button (top left) before the page fully loads. The paywall script is usually the last to come up.
The key with beating a paywall on incognito mode is hitting the stop loading button (top left) before the page fully loads. The paywall script is usually the last to come up.

Or opening the development console and pausing script execution and then reloading the page. Easiest one to do.
AFAIK - and someone correct me if I'm wrong, they are selling the lower floors (1-45) of both towers in the respective phases first. Then the upper floors which will be more varied (and bigger?) will be released. I'm not sure if the two towers' upper units/floors will mirror though.

I'm not a fan of both towers having the exact same unit layouts, and possibly same floorplans(?). I understand it saves a lot of money but for what they are charging, I'd want more effort on their part. But that's just me.
