Address: 95 Lake Shore Blvd E, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2023
Height: 758 ft / 231.00 mStoreys: 70 storeys
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Toronto Sugar Wharf Condominiums (Phase 1) | 231m | 70s | Menkes | a—A

I’m not seeing it yet from the NW.
I’m sure it will all come together once the elevator sections are completed.

Looks like one mechanical level or non residential level is done on the SE tower. 2 more to go.

Edit added two more photos

I’m not sure what the streaks are on the metal panels. From the birds or construction stuff.
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Maybe (definitely) a hot take, but I really like the balcony design, whether it's supposed to look like something or not. It adds depth to an otherwise glass box, and it's unique, which is exactly what we always talk about wanting. Could it have been executed better? absolutely. But it's interesting and weird and it doesn't look like any other building here
Maybe (definitely) a hot take, but I really like the balcony design, whether it's supposed to look like something or not. It adds depth to an otherwise glass box, and it's unique, which is exactly what we always talk about wanting. Could it have been executed better? absolutely. But it's interesting and weird and it doesn't look like any other building here
I actually find the execution excellent for what it is, a well designed box with a cleaver balcony skin. Do I wish it was more than a box, of course, but at least they made sure for what it is, it was done well.

V.s. the hot garbage mess directly to the east of them. A poorly executed box with a horribly designed and extremely sloppy balcony skin.
