... this building is actually good work, and I mean very good work, at street level. I gazed from sidewalk at northwest corner of Bay/Adelaide about two hours ago and beheld the lines and gestures at street level. The continuity from Bay to Yonge along Adelaide has been enhanced by this building's connecting up to the Scotia atrium, and southward on Bay the connected feel is similar - the eye can take in the horizontals all the way down to King at the three-storey level.
Looking up, at same corner, I found that I liked what I saw. I think it is a well tailored 'scraper. If you are into uniformity and conformity, however, then you won't like this building. That's life.
In other words I strongly disagree with C. Hume this time around (with respect he is a valuable critic). My only complaint is that the building lacks about ten storeys - now that would have made a statement.