Toronto St Lawrence Condos at 158 Front | 91.44m | 26s | Cityzen | a—A

A big tent.

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The revised renders for this project look nicer than the originals. I'm tired of that ugly parking lot so I'd like to see this get going. This intersection remains an eyesore in an otherwise nice area, and a boring dead zone in the middle of the walk from the St. Lawrence Market to the Distillery/Corktown.

I did notice those big billboard signs they put up briefly had violation notices stapled to them demanding removal because the signs are on the city right-of-way. Looking closely you can see they are indeed on the edge of the sidewalk rather than on the lot itself. Clever, so they don't lose a single parking spot while the sales gears grind.
I noticed on the weekend that the sales office is now located in "London on the Esplanade". It replaced the sales office for "The Selby".
Taken August 5, 2015:

Another 'before" shot of the lovely parking lot..

When built out, the two 26 storey buildings will certainly impact the neighbourhood and skyline.
Seems like a small lot for two towers. I look forward to seeing this built.

The lot is bigger than it seems in the those pictures. Easily fit two towers.
Additional renderings .... Lobby / Gym / 14th Floor Pool

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