You are saying the age of Walmart is past its useful life cycle, then you are saying the original mall is also past its useful life cycle since were built at the same time. Do you know a 3rd floor can be added to Walmart as it was design for from day one??This alone would be a major improvement to the area and significantly improve the pedestrian and vehicular flow of the area. Considering the age of the current Walmart building, it is likely well past its projected useful lifespan despite the recent interior renovations. Walmart also seems to clash with the direction Oxford is taking the mall (higher end retailers, as well as a focus on entertainment).
Oxford screw themselves when they bought the mall while the mall being expanded to the west in doubling the size of the mall and wasted one year of construction by stopping construction and $100 million in today dollars for ripping out was plan that was better than what got built like the Movie Theater area.
You remove Walmart and look how fast pedestrians numbers drops. I am rarely in the mall these days based on the direction it has gone as well what it offer. You will find me more in Walmart, but not as much as before as it's not worth buying there these days.
The whole mall needs to come down.