Toronto Spadina Subway Extension Emergency Exits | ?m | 1s | TTC | IBI Group

What I mean is to combine the Purple and Orange together Then, you have 2 solid routes, Blue is Yonge and Purple would be Highway 7

The route would be too long and cause reliability issues during the daytime, but at night I agree. The 98 and 99 are already combined for nighttime service.
In 2017, the LED module idea should be tossed in favour of an LCD screen. Even a custom size would be cheaper than the dumb discussin above. Totally flexible. No need for this debate. Stickers. Really? Some things beggar belief. But my suggestion has its costs.
I think if the T1 was designed today, rather than over a decade ago, then it would be LCD. I wonder if there's ever a need for an update, it would be cost-effective just to replace the entire units.

Though we are set for years. The only future extension or line that this equipment will run on that will see an extension, is the 1-station line 2 project at Scarborough Town Centre; and they can simply reuse the existing bulb - and that's now planned for ... what, 2027? Who knows how long it will be after that before there's another opening. 2030? By which point this equipment will already be 20 years old.

Stickers can work. When Montreal was frequently opening new stations, they used to have the lines as colours, with white dots for each station. The unopened stations were black; and they'd place white stickers over the dots when they opened.

Though they got a bit carried away, as at one point they had the Blue line with black dots all the way to Montreal-Nord, and later Anjou, neither of which was ever built. And at another point showed the fictional White line. Have they added the Pink line yet? :)
They could split it at Richmond Hill terminal.
That’s exactly their plan, Viva Purple on the East and Viva Orange on the West. However, there is weekday service of Viva Purple West in order to serve York U. They’re doing this as a transitional period, which will last 9 months. I wouldn’t mind if Purple West of RHC skipped all stops and took the 407 to York U.

Also, the current Viva Purple kind of already is split at RHC, as there are many Eastbound buses that short turn at the terminal to serve higher frequencies between it and York U. This is similar to Viva Blue short turning at Bernard to have higher frequencies between it and Finch.
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The York Region transitional process is outlined on page 8 here.

Essentially, the TTC is giving YRT 9 months before they kick them out of York University.
The York Region transitional process is outlined on page 8 here.

Essentially, the TTC is giving YRT 9 months before they kick them out of York University.

So, after 9 months, YRT is going to have to have some sort of plan in place. It's good that they are waiting till after the school year is done.
So, after 9 months, YRT is going to have to have some sort of plan in place. It's good that they are waiting till after the school year is done.
The plan is just to stop serving York U right?

One thing that I’m wondering about is whether or not Purple and Orange buses will have to change platforms in order drop off and pick up riders. Currently, if Purple buses are short turning to go back to York U, they drop off at the eastbound platform, goes out of service, and goes to the westbound platform the pick up. I hope when Orange is restructured to service RHC (or when the transitional period is over), drop off and pick up occurs at the same platform.
The York Region transitional process is outlined on page 8 here.

Essentially, the TTC is giving YRT 9 months before they kick them out of York University.

"a 9 month transition period be granted to York Region at the end of which York Region Transit (YRT) will eliminate all north-south services currently servicing York University campus and redirect to VMC station"

It's possible the transitional period is for 9 months, but Viva Purple is a east-west service.
"a 9 month transition period be granted to York Region at the end of which York Region Transit (YRT) will eliminate all north-south services currently servicing York University campus and redirect to VMC station"

It's possible the transitional period is for 9 months, but Viva Purple is a east-west service.
it must go north south at some point if it primarily runs along Highway 7 but somehow gets onto a campus that is south of
it must go north south at some point if it primarily runs along Highway 7 but somehow gets onto a campus that is south of

It primarily travels east-west. Also the plan is (was?) to replace Viva Purple service to York U with a conventional YRT service (Route 100), which is basically the same thing, except you're forced to transfer at RHC for travel further east.
TTC begins testing service on Line 1 extension

November 24, 2017

This Sun., Nov. 26, the TTC will enter the final stages of testing on the Line 1 extension with the beginning of so-called 'ghost service' between Sheppard West and Vaughan Metropolitan Centre stations.

Starting this weekend until full service starts on Dec. 17, trains will off-load customers at Sheppard West Station then continue north, stopping at all new stations. From Vaughan Metropolitan Centre Station, trains will return south, simulate regular service and pick up customers at Sheppard West Station on its way to Finch Station.

This testing gets the TTC closer to the completion of the 8.6 kilometre extension as the TTC prepares to operate both an extension to Line 1 and introduce a state of the art signalling system - the first in Canada.

TTC operators will use the next three weeks to become familiar with the extension and its new features like ATC, ensuring service is reliable when the extension opens. Trips will also be timed for service planning purposes and, if needed, adjusted to maintain service levels.

Also beginning this Sunday, the way customers board and exit trains at Sheppard West will change. Customers will exit on the northbound side of the platform and only be able to board on the southbound side. Station staff will set up barricades and direct customers to help them adjust to the change.

The Line 1 extension features six, modern, bright, energy-efficient stations all equipped with the TTC's new fare gates with PRESTO. It is the first time a TTC subway will cross regional municipal boundaries.

The extension is jointly funded by the government of Canada, province of Ontario, the City of Toronto and the Regional Municipality of York.
The Line 1 extension features six, modern, bright, energy-efficient stations all equipped with the TTC's new fare gates with PRESTO. It is the first time a TTC subway will cross regional municipal boundaries.

Re the bolded part: .....just about every press release lately about this extension includes this bit.....but is it really true? Before amalgamation, didn't the subway cross municipal boundaries all the time?
Re the bolded part: .....just about every press release lately about this extension includes this bit.....but is it really true? Before amalgamation, didn't the subway cross municipal boundaries all the time?

That's why it says "regional" municipal boundaries. I think some people realized what you just said, but the subway never went outside Metro Toronto.
