Toronto Spadina Subway Extension Emergency Exits | ?m | 1s | TTC | IBI Group

Possibly you missed my point there. You argued - correct me if I'm wrong - that VMC should have a 400 people+jobs/hectare target because of the significant investment in the subway. My point was that ou can't achieve that kind of density in that kind of timeline in a greenfield development, subway or no subway. There are only 5 UGCs asked to achieve that target by 2031 and they are all in Toronto, all with pre-existing populations and, indeed, 2 of them were above 400 even before Places to Grow. Ergo, it's beyond apples and oranges to lump VMC in with them. It does make sense to lump it in with Mississauga, Markham and other centres that are seeing transit investment as well (even if it's less $ and capacity) because they are also effectively starting from nothing.

We agree, in that I think Vaughan has not been aggressive enough but it should be obvious that even if council was fully committed - ignoring Vaughan Mills, opening no new land to development etc. - they'd never achieve 400 in that timeline. I expect you're sketpical of Markham hitting that in Langstaff and that's got the advantages of existing transit and a location near Yonge Street.

Well, again we agree that urbanity and progressive policy are not Vaughan's strength. But asking for more subway to a second centre does not, by itself, demonstrate a lack of commitment to the first centre. It would even be admirable if they were further along with VMC since having multiple intensification areas is what we want to see. And they won't get the line anyway, so who cares? I expect they did it to appease some landowners, knowing full well that everyone has the Yonge line WAY ahead of some dumb line up to Wonderland and even that's still in limbo.

(Also - I looked at the OP quickly. There is a single reference that they support a "possible further extension" along Jane. The language is weak and far more ambiguous than they're support for Yonge. That's not a crime and not proof they're not committed to VMC. It may be proof they're stupid and/or delusional, I grant.)

Which brings us to what's going on up there... Too much developer influence. Same as it ever was. I get the sense Markham is into "smart growth" for the right reasons, mostly, and Vaughan is willing to do it in VMC for more cynical, practical reasons. But they are still willing to do it and some of those developers (e.g. SmartCentres) have big investment in VMC and want to make it work, that's the good news.

My point about p2g UGC density targets was simple: VMC is the only one with a subway and a 200 ppl/jobs per ha target; every other one is 400 (RHC-LG can be counted as two or one, but I digress). Really though that's besides the point, because we're talking about them reaching 200, and whether they can build a high-density downtown (a plan which predates p2g by ~five years, and a promise which allowed them to piggyback onto the RTES of extending the subway to York U).

You argue Vaughan has done absolutely everything in their power to make VMC grow into a downtown. That they've planted the seeds, watered it, and that we should merely sit back and watch as "the market" does its magic. I say otherwise.

Re: a Line 1 extn to Wonderland. We're not talking about some vague reference from their OP, but specifically to a 2013 decision by Vaughan's council to have Mlinx ID more hubs and make a subway extension a major priority. It comes as no surprise that you'd consider this 'admirable'. I'd wager that if any other city tried to do something like that, you'd have a lot to say on the matter about where their head's are at, or their competency. But when it comes to a city of 300k wanting to prioritize a subway as a replacement for a bus route that would be the equivalent of Toronto's 150th busiest, you're surprisingly mum on the matter.

You miss the most important aspect of all of this...something is actually getting done. VIVA BRT, GO, Spadina Extension. York Region has taking these gifts and actually accepted them and built them. Maybe Vaughan should take a Toronto approach and argue about it ad nausea and have ZERO progress to show for Big Move investment after how many years? The biggest complaint I tend to hear is that infrastructure was needed yesterday this might not be the perfect solution or choice in your mind but it's something and I think that deserves some sort of recognition in my books considering the political landscape in the region these days (see Brampton cancelling its LRT).

But now onto the development side, i.e the point where the public sees the return on their investment. If Vaughan decides to plan/develop new centres, neglect to add ingredients commonplace in successful centres, to expand their urban boundary, and try to prioritize astronomically-priced projects that come out of left field - then it's quite possible they're compromising the public's previous investments, and the integrity of regional planning.
My point about p2g UGC density targets was simple: VMC is the only one with a subway and a 200 ppl/jobs per ha target; every other one is 400 (RHC-LG can be counted as two or one, but I digress).

And I explained why that makes no sense, despite the (still non-existent) subway.
RHC-LG is in 2 municipalities but it's a single mobility hub, a single UGC and planning was co-ordinated by York Region, so I count it as one. But I think RH was well above the 200 too, though I forget the exact numbers now.

EDIT: went and dug it up. The density planned for RHC - not counting Langstaff - is 450 people/jobs per hectare. Bully for them! Langstaff, of course, is about 1,000; downtown levels. VMC is only 200 and, yes, that's lower than it should be - but I suspect you also think those RHC/LG number are rather ambitious, yes?

Really though that's besides the point, because we're talking about them reaching 200, and whether they can build a high-density downtown (a plan which predates p2g by ~five years, and a promise which allowed them to piggyback onto the RTES of extending the subway to York U).

True. on all counts.

You argue Vaughan has done absolutely everything in their power to make VMC grow into a downtown. That they've planted the seeds, watered it, and that we should merely sit back and watch as "the market" does its magic. I say otherwise.

Everything in their power?? I said no such thing. I totally agreed with you - REPEATEDLY - that they should have set the bar higher, that they shouldn't have jumped to open new greenfield lands etc. Yeesh. I probably did it twice on this page of the forum alone! 3 times now!

"The market" implies I have some faith in the development industry to do the right thing; that's not the case. I merely think that the policies in place and the demographic/market shifts we've already seen in the GTA mean it won't take much effort or TOOOOO much time to get something perhaps akin to North York Centre going on there.

I have no delusions about Vaughan qua Vaughan.

Re: a Line 1 extn to Wonderland. We're not talking about some vague reference from their OP, but specifically to a 2013 decision by Vaughan's council to have Mlinx ID more hubs and make a subway extension a major priority.

Sigh. It's meaningless. Councils pass resolutions asking governments for this and that all the time. They probably also declared one day a year Filipino Heritage Day but that doesn't matter either. The OP is far more significant than some resolution asking Metrolinx to please water their gardens or whatever.

Is the council dumb? Maybe. Mostly, probably.
Are they in thrall to developers who own land up in Vaughan Mills but not VMC and is the motion you refer to aimed at benefiting certain landowners? Wouldn't surprise me a bit.
Will it change anything? NO!
Will Metrolinx designate more hubs based on this request? Almost certainly not!
Is a subway to Wonderland happening in my lifetime? Unlikely!
Even though Vaughan council said pretty please? Even so!
Should the council be voted out? Most of em, yeah.
Can Vaughan do better with VMC? Most certainly.
Should they open more whitebelt lands? Maybe in the long run, but not yet.
Did they anyway? Of course!
How much of this affects the potential for high-density, walkable, TOD in VMC? Not too much.

(That said - I haven't seen this 2013 resolution; you have a link?)

It comes as no surprise that you'd consider this 'admirable'. I'd wager that if any other city tried to do something like that, you'd have a lot to say on the matter about where their head's are at, or their competency

I think BMO did a fine job addressing this. You wanna talk COMPETENCY? For all their plethora of faults, the transit planning and intensification plans in York Region and Vaughan make what Toronto has done in the past decade look like child's play. Because it is.

Call me when they've actually built something with the money they were given in 2007. I may be on a bus on a 5-year-old rapidway by then, but I'll take your call.

Or maybe you're talking about Brampton? Or Mississauga? York Region has schooled ALL of them, period.

But when it comes to a city of 300k wanting to prioritize a subway as a replacement for a bus route that would be the equivalent of Toronto's 150th busiest, you're surprisingly mum on the matter.

you lost me here. I don't feel very MUM.
Do you mean the TYSSE? Has anyone ever suggested its function is to replace a bus route? Its function, at least north of Steeles, is to promote intensification. Maybe it won't - but you don't know that yet and neither do I.

If Vaughan decides to plan/develop new centres, neglect to add ingredients commonplace in successful centres, to expand their urban boundary, and try to prioritize astronomically-priced projects that come out of left field - then it's quite possible they're compromising the public's previous investments, and the integrity of regional planning.

Fine, yes - it's POSSIBLE. you're implying it's probable or even certain. It's not either. but I'll agree with you on POSSIBLE.
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Thanks - so it was just them commenting on the Big Move update. I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest they were far from the only GTHA municipality to list some never-gonna-happen projects on their wish list (and as we can both see, their highest priority -by far - is the Yonge extension). Indeed, I can see in the Metrolinx report, that's precisely what happened. Indeed, the entire report is basically a not-on-the-Big-Move municipal wish list, isn't it?

(I also like that Metrolinx's response is:
"Changes through the Update are on the basis of new validated technical analysis; additional network changes and extensions require further review and network analysis."
That seems like a really nice, bureaucratic way of saying, "Yeah, not gonna happen, Vaughan.")

As I said above, it's admirable - in a backwards way - they're looking at new intensification areas. It would be more admirable if one sensed they're maxing out the potential of VMC first (as opposed to, say, hitting the province's minimum density target).

Anyway, I don't read that much into it. I think they're delusional if they think the "massing of density" around Vaughan Mills will support a subway extension any time in the next 30 years. If they fill out VMC, exceeding 200 people+jobs/hectare and then want to serve the burgeoning Jane/Rutherford hub, they can give Metrolinx a ring then; until then, I'd suggest they have to prove they're sincerely invested in intensification. Their record to date suggests otherwise, I suspect we both agree.

That said, I think it's a stretch to read those suggestions to Metrolinx and suggest they demonstrate a lack of commitment to VMC or the TYSSE. They're just dummies with big dreams of helping their developer pals, is how I read it.
Hi All... first time poster.

I attended one of the York Region Transportation Master Plan Update meetings last night, and thought some of the details presented would be useful to post.

Many of you may be interested to hear that they are proposing, for inclusion in the long-term (2041) plan, that the Spadina subway be extended north, through Canada's Wonderland and past the new Vaughan Hospital, before turning east and stopping at the Keele Valley landfill and heading to the town centre of Richmond Hill before turning south to go to Richmond Hill Centre/Langstaff.
The "Subways, Subways, Subways" obsession appears to have fully taken over York Region, now.


  • DSC_0197.JPG
    1.1 MB · Views: 501
Many of you may be interested to hear that they are proposing, for inclusion in the long-term (2041) plan, that the Spadina subway be extended north, through Canada's Wonderland and past the new Vaughan Hospital, before turning east and stopping at the Keele Valley landfill and heading to the town centre of Richmond Hill before turning south to go to Richmond Hill Centre/Langstaff.

Bwa ha ha ha!
I think extending the Yonge line to 7 should have been done 10 years ago.
I think the TYSSE up to 7 is a very good idea.

I think the proposal outlined above is beyond a pipe dream and, per above, laughable.
Maybe that will make sense in 2050, but I doubt it.

that said, I'm almost tempted to put my own tax $ in the pot just for the idea I might live to be on a subway train with an automated "Keele Valley Landfill, doors open on the left" announcement.
Hi All... first time poster.

I attended one of the York Region Transportation Master Plan Update meetings last night, and thought some of the details presented would be useful to post.

Many of you may be interested to hear that they are proposing, for inclusion in the long-term (2041) plan, that the Spadina subway be extended north, through Canada's Wonderland and past the new Vaughan Hospital, before turning east and stopping at the Keele Valley landfill and heading to the town centre of Richmond Hill before turning south to go to Richmond Hill Centre/Langstaff.
View attachment 60911
The "Subways, Subways, Subways" obsession appears to have fully taken over York Region, now.

The train maintenance yard for the Yonge subway extension to Richmond Hill Centre was also designed "Not to preclude a future extension of the Yonge Subway north". This was a planning document undertaken by York Region. It definitely is their vision to have subways from Toronto serving them.
Hi All... first time poster.

I attended one of the York Region Transportation Master Plan Update meetings last night, and thought some of the details presented would be useful to post.

Many of you may be interested to hear that they are proposing, for inclusion in the long-term (2041) plan, that the Spadina subway be extended north, through Canada's Wonderland and past the new Vaughan Hospital, before turning east and stopping at the Keele Valley landfill and heading to the town centre of Richmond Hill before turning south to go to Richmond Hill Centre/Langstaff.
View attachment 60911
The "Subways, Subways, Subways" obsession appears to have fully taken over York Region, now.

Unbelievable. *Facepalm.

In typical Vaughan planning fashion, propose a higher order transit corridor that would be served by it's VIVA Service (in this case the proposed VIVA Silver service), then tack on a note proposing a subway extension along that same route "at some future time". Then sit back and watch as the citizens do the work for them protesting a BRT/LRT and asking for a jump right to subway service.

The subway should not be extended until at least Go begins offering all day two way service on the Barrie line.
Hi All... first time poster.

I attended one of the York Region Transportation Master Plan Update meetings last night, and thought some of the details presented would be useful to post.
Thank you new poster. There's a website for this at - but no sign of the presentation materials from the latest meeting yet.

Looks like there are two more sessions if anyone is interested:
  • Tuesday, December 8, 2015
    City of Vaughan
    Vellore Town Hall
    9541 Weston Road
    Evening 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

  • Thursday, December 17, 2015
    Town of Newmarket
    Ray Twinney Recreation Complex
    100 Eagle Street West
    Evening 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Thanks - so it was just them commenting on the Big Move update. I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest they were far from the only GTHA municipality to list some never-gonna-happen projects on their wish list (and as we can both see, their highest priority -by far - is the Yonge extension). Indeed, I can see in the Metrolinx report, that's precisely what happened. Indeed, the entire report is basically a not-on-the-Big-Move municipal wish list, isn't it?

(I also like that Metrolinx's response is:
"Changes through the Update are on the basis of new validated technical analysis; additional network changes and extensions require further review and network analysis."
That seems like a really nice, bureaucratic way of saying, "Yeah, not gonna happen, Vaughan.")

As I said above, it's admirable - in a backwards way - they're looking at new intensification areas. It would be more admirable if one sensed they're maxing out the potential of VMC first (as opposed to, say, hitting the province's minimum density target).

Anyway, I don't read that much into it. I think they're delusional if they think the "massing of density" around Vaughan Mills will support a subway extension any time in the next 30 years. If they fill out VMC, exceeding 200 people+jobs/hectare and then want to serve the burgeoning Jane/Rutherford hub, they can give Metrolinx a ring then; until then, I'd suggest they have to prove they're sincerely invested in intensification. Their record to date suggests otherwise, I suspect we both agree.

That said, I think it's a stretch to read those suggestions to Metrolinx and suggest they demonstrate a lack of commitment to VMC or the TYSSE. They're just dummies with big dreams of helping their developer pals, is how I read it.

Jeez, this is not a simple "comment". It's Vaughan / York Region's plan, and Vaughan's request to have this Wonderland Subway prioritized in the Big Move (i.e our 25-year regional transportation plan). Every other municipality's request is logical and grounded in reality. Vaughan's Wonderland Subway isn't.

I'm sure there are many space cadets up in York Region with their heads in the clouds who do think such a plan is "admirable". But IMO this is without a doubt the most ludicrous transit plan I've ever seen in my entire life.

Hi All... first time poster.

I attended one of the York Region Transportation Master Plan Update meetings last night, and thought some of the details presented would be useful to post.

Many of you may be interested to hear that they are proposing, for inclusion in the long-term (2041) plan, that the Spadina subway be extended north, through Canada's Wonderland and past the new Vaughan Hospital, before turning east and stopping at the Keele Valley landfill and heading to the town centre of Richmond Hill before turning south to go to Richmond Hill Centre/Langstaff.
View attachment 60911
The "Subways, Subways, Subways" obsession appears to have fully taken over York Region, now.

Wow, thanks for this. I couldn't have thought it'd get more zany, but yet it has.
The train maintenance yard for the Yonge subway extension to Richmond Hill Centre was also designed "Not to preclude a future extension of the Yonge Subway north". This was a planning document undertaken by York Region. It definitely is their vision to have subways from Toronto serving them.

the nerve of them and their requests to not preclude things! :)
Yonge is different as there is contiguous development and intensification clear up to Major Mac. I don't think it will EVER make sense of going north of there but there's actually an amazing out of development north of 7 right now so ensuring that an extension is POSSIBLE is sensible.

Jane is totally different, as is Rutherford Road. That loop idea is stupid, obviously, I think.

Jeez, this is not a simple "comment". It's Vaughan / York Region's plan, and Vaughan's request to have this Wonderland Subway prioritized in the Big Move (i.e our 25-year regional transportation plan). Every other municipality's request is logical and grounded in reality. Vaughan's Wonderland Subway isn't.

and it is being treated accordingly by those on this board and, most certainly, those at Metrolinx. What's driving their logic - especially in a month they opened MORE land to development, is a mystery to me. It's a window into the twisted mind of Vaughan council but it's still meaningless. As meaningless as Toronto asking the province not to allow them the option of using ranked ballots, for example. Council requests like that are a dime a dozen and when they're that stupid, they're ignored accordingly. Let's just agree this one should be too.
Wasn't looping the Spadina line with the Yonge line across Steeles semi-seriously proposed a few decades ago? It looks like the same concept is rearing its head again, just a heck of a lot further north.
I was 5 when we moved to Yonge and Steeles in 1969. The subway ended at Eglinton. Yonge from the 401 to Steeles was just a row of 2 storey retail buildings with a mix of strip malls and car dealerships. Steeles was a farm road from Yonge to York University and beyond. Everything north of Steeles here was basically farmland save for some industrial along Hwy 7. 45 years later the area is an entirely new world. Who's to say in the next 45 years there won't be a reason to extend Spadina to Richmond Hill? May seem silly now but with the growth the region is experiencing it may certainly be something to look at at some point.
