Toronto Scarborough Junction Masterplan | 188.3m | 58s | Republic | Giannone Petricone

They have to build a GO Station on their side of the tracks (to service their site), including a tunnel beneath the rail tracks from the existing station into the new one.
In advance of building any actual buildings, is my understanding. Huge ask to upfront that before any building development work. Hopefully @RepublicDevelopments has a plan?
But isn’t there an existing tunnel under the tracks?

Are they planning on building a second tunnel?

Is a pedestrian / cycling / accessible bridge connecting the neighbourhoods possible?
But isn’t there an existing tunnel under the tracks?

Are they planning on building a second tunnel?

Is a pedestrian / cycling / accessible bridge connecting the neighbourhoods possible?

Good call - you are right! There is an existing entrance + tunnel on the NW side of the tracks. From the Republic plans, it looks like the existing entrance would be removed and a new small GO station + second tunnel would be built

I recall the pedestrian/cycling bridge was something suggested by either city staff or the DRP (or both?), which would be a nice feature to connect to Natal Park + trails, but $$$.... Not sure there is sufficient S37 moneys (or maybe even using parks cash since you can make the argument for it), given other pressing priorities for this area (ie, community centre, housing, etc).
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I recall the pedestrian/cycling bridge was something suggested by either city staff or the DRP (or both), which would be a nice feature to connect to Natal Park + trails, but $$$.... Not sure there is sufficient S37 moneys (or maybe even using parks cash since you can make the argument for it), given other pressing priorities for this area (ie, community centre, housing, etc).

This one is under the ''Community Benefits' regime, not the s.37.

If the City opts to take the one site for affordable housing, that will likely represent most/all of the benefit.
The database has been updated to reflect the settlement offer proposal. OLT page here: https://jus-olt-prod.powerappsporta...ails/?id=c4da387c-f26c-ed11-81ac-0022483dda78

This one is under the ''Community Benefits' regime, not the s.37.

If the City opts to take the one site for affordable housing, that will likely represent most/all of the benefit.
Yes good point, this project should be under CBC rather than S37, though I think there is some S37 moneys leftover in this area for some community benefits.

And you are exactly right that the city will have to pick their priority for this site in terms of community benefits. There is only so much $ to go aorund
Yes good point, this project should be under CBC rather than S37, though I think there is some S37 moneys leftover in this area for some community benefits.

And you are exactly right that the city will have to pick their priority for this site in terms of community benefits. There is only so much $ to go aorund
I understand from speaking to the former Councillor that there is also a boatload of cash earmarked for a new community centre in Southwest Scarborough - which is very exciting and desperately needed here. Something in the neighbourhood of $40m.
In advance of building any actual buildings, is my understanding. Huge ask to upfront that before any building development work. Hopefully @RepublicDevelopments has a plan?
I don't know all the details, but I think the bigger ask may be completing the tunnel before electrification happens on the corridor (?) since it looks like the tunnel would sit beneath operating rail tracks.
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I understand from speaking to the former Councillor that there is also a boatload of cash earmarked for a new community centre in Southwest Scarborough - which is very exciting and desperately needed here. Something in the neighbourhood of $40m.

There is 40M earmarked in the 2024-2033 Capital Plan.

But a couple of notes on that, the entries for design and construction are here:


That first set of zeros ends in the year 2028. So, as of right now, the design won't start before 2029 at the earliest. This, in turn means there is no chance of construction prior to 2031.

Second, 40M may sound like a boat load of money, but the typical new recreation centre built from scratch is running at more than twice that.

For comparison's sake the new Downtown Community Recreation Centre has a budget of 125M; the few facility for Etobicoke has a budget of 101M

John Innis (Moss Park) is one of the cheaper new facilities, currently pegged at 59M.

In general sub-50M probably will not have aquatics and probably won't have an ice rink.
I don't know all the details, but I think the bigger ask may be completing the tunnel before electrification happens on the corridor, since the tunnel would sit beneath operating rail tracks. So you either need to stop the trains temporarily so you can construct the tunnel, or construct the box culvert for the tunnel offsite and then brace the rail tracks from collapsing while you slip the box culvert for the tunnel beneath (while trains continue to operate). MX has done things like this overnight in Mississauga - so it's possible, but could be pricy. And this will need to all be done with consideration for shoring, remediation, crash wall design, permits w/ MX and city - and in particular, as it relates to the development blocks that abut the rail corridor. So you may be right PE that they need this stuff done before - because there is also a subdivision plan that needs blessing before parks/roads can be conveyed or certain permits can be issued
Thanks for that @1Ć0.

Tunnels / bridges are definitely not my world, but building a new tunnel sounds like a huge undertaking.

Has this tunnel already been built?

"The second phase of the project was the construction of a new tunnel and upgrading the existing tunnel."

Wishful thinking, but if SJ can be adequately serviced by the new tunnel, maybe we can get a nice bridge too. 😁

Thanks for that @1Ć0.

Tunnels / bridges are definitely not my world, but building a new tunnel sounds like a huge undertaking.

Has this tunnel already been built?

"The second phase of the project was the construction of a new tunnel and upgrading the existing tunnel."

Wishful thinking, but if SJ can be adequately serviced by the new tunnel, maybe we can get a nice bridge too. 😁

No problem.

Yup - appears like the entrance and tunnel referenced in your link exist and are in operation today (I've circled in pic below). The second phase I assume refers to the construction of the new tunnel for access between the new GO station and the existing one.


And yes the bridge is sadly wishful thinking - if Northern Light uncovered that the $40m reserved for the community centre wasn't even enough for a proper centre, I can just imagine what the price tag of that bridge would be and where it sits on a list of priorities for the city.
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