Toronto Ryerson Student Learning Centre | 50.59m | 8s | Ryerson University | Zeidler

The mock-up has the pattern seen from the renderings, and also has, as shown in the news article image above, another frit pattern as well.

I prefer the former by far; hoping they stuck to the original pattern.
alright, on the way back home, noticed the cladding shipments at WDL once again. They all had 'Ryerson' written on them, and the pattern is definitely the former pattern (the one in the renderings).
The mock-up has the pattern seen from the renderings, and also has, as shown in the news article image above, another frit pattern as well.

I prefer the former by far; hoping they stuck to the original pattern.

I know for a fact they are not. It was the first, of many, items value engineered from this project.
I can't wait for some of that scaffolding to come down. It's so hard to get a sense of the building and it's massing with all of that formwork in there. But just from the way that one sloped slab is hanging over the entryway I have a feeling we've got a new landmark taking shape here.
^They've finished the floor that they had started in that photo.

I took a look at the retail spaces along Yonge today. They are ... weird. The sloping roof seems to get very low at the back.

This is probably the most unfortunate part of the project, the fact that the retail is essentially in the basement. Think Atrium on Bay Dundas Frontage (ie display windows at grade with retail below grade) but with better architecture.
It will be up to whoever takes that retail space to design it properly to make the best of it. It won't be cheap Mom and Pop stores taking it. It's not like this city is short of great interior design firms who could do something special here, let's hope Ryerson finds the right retail tenant(s).

It will be up to whoever takes that retail space to design it properly to make the best of it. It won't be cheap Mom and Pop stores taking it. It's not like this city is short of great interior design firms who could do something special here, let's hope Ryerson finds the right retail tenant(s).


They have always said that the retail users would have to be great co-tenants with the student uses/services being offered at the SLC. I'm hoping it's a great tech or innovation-type user.
Almost like the LCBO with street level entrance with a staircase to go below. This could be a good oppurtunity for a retailer to make use of a cool staircase down though!
I'd like to see Starbucks move here out of the 10 Dundas St. E. building. That location is weird and has no seats.
