Toronto Rodeo Drive Condominiums | 106.1m | 32s | Lanterra | Hariri Pontarini

Lanterra REALLY needs to assign more than one construction worker to this site.


Just a rumour (I'm starting)'s all the fault of the crane operator..........he couldn't go the gym, so he told Lanterra he'd do the entire site himself to get his workout in.

Up one crane, lower boom, back down, affix item in need of moving, re-climb the crane, move item, back down again, its a very slow process, but dude is in great shape.

It should pick up here though as soon as gyms re-open.
From today:

Guess they're maintaining the steady pace of putting up one piece of rebar per day...
It's choosing WHICH piece of rebar that takes all the time. These guys aren't erecting just any old piece, each one is 🥰 special 🥰. That's the kind of care I want put into my great-great-great-granddaughter's condo.

June 2021 being around one year from now, doesn't seem realistic IMO. At 32 storeys, it's also fairly large building. It's tougher to forecast based on the lack of momentum in the past 6+ months, when comparing visual progress from photos in late 2019. If they pick up the pace within the next couple months, then I'd still see the earliest that occupancy can happen is either near end of year in 2021 or early/mid 2022.
At this point does seem to be anytime before 2023 with winter quickly approaching.
