Toronto River City Condos Phases 1 & 2 | ?m | 16s | Urban Capital | ZAS Architects

The woonerf is really coming along with the tree pits finished and pavers being laid and should make a nice edge for the adjacent section of Underpass Park which I noticed was designed to flow into the woonerf seemlessly. Also, I saw them applying something like a varnish to to black metal sections of River City itself that make them very shiny and reflective so fears of a dull matte may not be realised. Photos taken 8 March 2013.

Will cars drive over those tiles ? Won't that like crack / break over time ?

Looks great though !
9 March 2013: YUM. I think it may be the best project of this 'hood, DD included. Very posh Montreal style (actually better than 90% of Mtl projects. Bizarre that S+P rarely does Mtl condo projects.)

Yeah ultimately I'm glad I didn't buy a condo. The timing isn't great with record number of new product competing with record number of new completions. If current trends hold, a pullback below $500/sf is a strong possibility.

I wouldn't want to be right on a river. BTDT. Mosquitoes suck (quite literally :p).
I wouldn't want to be right on a river. BTDT. Mosquitoes suck (quite literally :p).

Okay that made me laugh because the other day there was talk of spiders on balconies. Now we have to worry about mosquitoes, too!! And apparently this year North America is expecting a wave of vampire beatles to invade. I'm just kidding lol! I never seem to have any problems with insects while I've lived in apt buildings and I have had very green balconies :p Maybe they only like new blood?
Actually those Vampire Beatles do exist in the form of those little orange ladybug looking asian beetles. They do bite and are really annoying. Also if you have weeping willows near you, there are black beatles that live on them that also bite...quite hard. I guess my blood is sweet or something. I don't see any weeping willows around RIver city though.
Photos taken 22 March 2013



The vaneer that they have been applying to the black cladding on the east face seems to be hiding the seems between the panels. Today large sections looked like a solid surface with windows punched out.

In town for a quick trip, so I went for a walk around WDL and RiverCity looks great. Stopped by the sales centre, and the guy said they had moved in the first apartments last week! Is that true? It doesn't look anywhere near finished enough for move-ins.
Doesn't look like they're going to paint the undersides of the balconies. Real shame.
The ceilings inside are concrete as well, so the industrial loft aesthetic outside as well only makes sense.

Doesn't look like they're going to paint the undersides of the balconies. Real shame.

I think Casa also had its balcony railings installed before they painted the undersides of the balconies, and a lot of people here assumed that they weren't going to paint them after installing the balcony railings.
