Developer: Oxford Properties Group, Oxford Properties Group Inc.
Architect: WZMH Architects
Address: 130 Adelaide St W, Toronto
Category: Commercial (Office, Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: TBD
Height: 449 ft / 136.85 mStoreys: 35 storeys
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Toronto Richmond Adelaide Centre: 120 & 130 Adelaide West Recladding | 136.85m | 35s | Oxford Properties | WZMH

While an obvious shame as far as loss of architectural character and diversity is concerned, I think this is one of the sharpest looking re-clad proposals I've come across for an office tower (speaking more to the taller 130 Adelaide). The renders do a nice job showcasing the unification of the complex, and there's a nice counter-play between the design of the buildings reflecting past, present, and future - even without their original outer-shells.
The article states that a submission was made to the city for the re-clad. Presumably a decision has yet to be made. I'm in total agreement with preserving architectural diversity. I've always thought these towers were a bit dated(but never unattractive) and that's also a part of diversity, where a buildings "skin" can help tell it's own story and age, and provide context in the telling of a city's growth. Truthfully, I'm beginning to gain a whole new appreciation for at least some of these "older" towers(lets face it, some are just plain "dog ugly"). Sadly, a quick re-clad seems to be the most cost effective way of making these older structures economically competitive with their upscale neighbors, and it seems unfair to tie an owners hands by declining a re-clad on an unlisted building. At the same time, one hopes city hall will realize what will be lost if downtown is allowed to become a sea of nearly identically clad glass boxes. It makes one wonder what building is next on the re-clad list? Perhaps the beautifully dated Royal York?(ok, ok...I know it's protected!)
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Wow.... Yes, let's replace all our pre 2000's architecture and make it look like most of the garbage being built today. Disgusting!!
Reclads have been ongoing since the early 1990s or once the inventory start to get some age. The property across York is a 2000 era reclad with a mid 1990s era aesthetics. Down York you have the Strathcona and the circa 2000 green glass Prudential building reclad. My point being, the blue green glass phase will pass.

I don't really care what happens to 130 Adelaide. It's a 1980s filler type building. Steel spandrel painted black is also abundant in Toronto too. I do have concerns with 120 Adelaide which I view as having greater architectural significance . Why are they replacing the black spandrel? Is there something wrong with it? Is the retention of the stainless spines to appease heritage advocates?
I don't really care what happens to 130 Adelaide. It's a 1980s filler type building. Steel spandrel painted black is also abundant in Toronto too. I do have concerns with 120 Adelaide which I view as having greater architectural significance . Why are they replacing the black spandrel? Is there something wrong with it? Is the retention of the stainless spines to appease heritage advocates?

I agree. I'd settle with just saving 120.
I like how the three buildings contrast each other currently. Once the two older towers are redone in glass, I am afraid they will dilute the striking beauty of the newest tower.

That's my thoughts too - if they all look similar, the uniqueness of each will disappear.
First Zurich, then Simpson, now this. Definitely not liking this proposal. But I paid a visit to the site Friday for posterity:

Richmond Adelaide Centre by Marcus Mitanis, on Flickr

Richmond Adelaide Centre by Marcus Mitanis, on Flickr

Richmond Adelaide Centre by Marcus Mitanis, on Flickr

Richmond Adelaide Centre by Marcus Mitanis, on Flickr

Richmond Adelaide Centre by Marcus Mitanis, on Flickr

Richmond Adelaide Centre by Marcus Mitanis, on Flickr

Richmond Adelaide Centre by Marcus Mitanis, on Flickr
This city has no feel for restoring office buildings the same way ! They got to slap that old blue green cladding on top of the old. Does the blue green glass window have more energy efficiency than other glazed windows? Or is it the cheapest glazed window money can buy? You can really see the difference in what structure are new and old in the city.
Test cladding has been installed on both buildings and is visible from Adelaide. I tried to take a photo but my phone died in the cold.
