Toronto Residences at The Ritz-Carlton, Toronto | 207.86m | 53s | Graywood | Kohn Pedersen Fox

Fantastic pictures guys, especially that last one Caltrane.

Seriously though, just like the 680 News TV commercial, Toronto's Wikipedia page needs to be updated. Since I don't own any pictures myself, some of you should take it upon yourselves to update the site...It only takes a minute, and currently, anyone visiting the page is getting an outdated view of the city.
Wow, the Royal York is well and truly lost from the skyline now.


by me
Well partially when Waterclub appeared... but Telus Tower really cemented its loss from the skyline. The railway tracks and Union Station still leave a bit gap in the highrises, so thank God the Royal York still looms over the CBD. :)
This is from the inside of a construction lift:


You all just wait: we have more than a few exclusive to UT pics coming up!

Ed007 and I were up this morning: lots of photos coming soon!

Our skyline looks better than ever!!! Ritz/RBC development has made a huge impact from this view! Shangri-la will also balance things out a bit :D
Unfortunately, this is not one of KPFs better pieces of work. I think there are some nice elements to it, but all in all I find it looks like it was pulled out from the annals of 1990's KPF unused designs and changed to suit certain aspects of the site. Too much of this building looks like it was pieced together out of an architectural catalogue - mind you with a little emphasis put on quality. No question 4-sided silicone glazed units is not cheap, nor is the cantilever out front - but the cladding ruined this building for me. So much boring paneling and monotonous repetition both on the facades and on the front cantilever. I like the angled roof, but feel that they really should have taken the opportunity to make a portion a dinner/club location; the views and location are perfect.

To start UrbanToronto's visit to the new Ritz Carlton Hotel and Residences, we will begin our photo essay on the roof.

If you looked skywards yesterday towards the Ritz, you will have seen that its look was changing quickly.

First, that gap? Unlike at RBC, this gap is staying a gap. You can see from the photo below that the back of the tall, north glass facade is now being clad.


This shot is taken from the penthouse, looking up towards the wall that the crane is lifting cladding panels up to.


Here a construction worker positions and affixes the new panel.


Here's the gap, looking east:


Initially, I am somewhat disappointed that the back of this extending fin is being opaquely clad as I have really enjoyed the transparency of the fin as it has been until now, but I expect that the Ritz will have something special to look at here when all is said and done. Below is the gap looking west. You'll notice the thinner scaffolding pipes within the frame; those will be coming down soon, leaving the frame looking cleaner.


Here's a fisheye view of the crane, just because:


And just to prove that the crane isn't really warped, here is it, straight up:


'Why the gap anyway?' you may ask. Well, the gap will be the permanent home to the window washing equipment, for which you can see the anchors below:


A crane will lift the window washing platform up and over the slanted roof portions. The platform will tie into points on the canted southern facade.

Currently at the west end of the gap, we have a cherry picker, contrasting nicely with the day's gorgeous blue skies:


In those last two images, you're getting a better view of the superstructure for the southern portion of the roof. Turn your head a little more, and this is the view:


Again, CN Tower, not really warped:


Those things covered in blue tarps two pics above? Three emergency generators for the building. See below:


The roof of this section will be glazed. I'd guess the glass will be fritted to cut down on heat gain.

So far, we've been up on what would be the 54th floor, if it had a number. We're climbing down to the 53rd floor now, which will be all mechanical, eg. not inhabited, no condo, no club room. Here are some shots from it:

First; this crazy fisheye stitched image looking back up towards where we just were, this time replete with ghostly, hard-hatted workers:


Now, one floor beneath the window washer deck, more fisheye:


Less wacky, featuring the crane's shaft running through the 53rd and 54th floors:


Here's Ed007 shooting the view:


Here's the view:


Well, that was one of the view shots: we're saving our unobscured ones for another report however.

Back outside (well, it's 'outside' for the time being), here's Ed007 with the camera pointed west:


And here are our hosts and tour guides, David Eisenstadt and Tom Bulkovic, patiently attending to i42's gesticulations:


(Painful! Caught me blinking!)

So, that's that for the roof tour... other than this last image, pointing down one floor to the Penthouse's impressive southern terrace.


We'll take you to the penthouse tomorrow. Thanks for coming along on the tour so far!


Photos 1,2,3,4,5,6,10,13,14,16,18,20 ©interchange42 Photos 7,8,9,11,12,15,17,19 ©Ed007
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Thank you guys, thank you... amazing update. I never expected that we can see pictures taken from there. Simply stunning :)
