Toronto Residences at the RCMI Condos | 134.72m | 42s | Tribute | Zeidler

And why would anyone consider it worth saving? Nothing of signifigance has ever happened inside; there is nothing rare or unique or particularly attracive about the exterior.



Once again, this site calls for some creativity: wrap the entire building in glass with the highrise supported on columns--kind of Alsop stilt-like but more transparent.
I love this idea. I think it could look fantastic, and with less exposure to the elements the old building, I would imagine, could last longer.
Brilliant, Sir Novelty.

Though the "balcony" may not pass code.
So I go away for a few days, take a few days to catch up once I'm back, and this thread's turned into the funniest thing since University Plaza!

Well done all!


(Can't wait for Maldive to incorporate SNF Architects' plan for the building into one of her city-wide renders...)
Welcome to the luxurious RESIDENCES of REARGUARD ACTION

This gated community is strategically located on University Avenue with a commanding view of the surrounding terrain.

Each suite comes complete with two fully operational 19th century wheel-mounted cannons, and a month's supply of live ammunition. Should the Clewes Brigade attempt to erect sleek neo-Modernist towers within half a mile of the RESIDENCES of REARGUARD ACTION your building's military personnel will take immediate action.
