Developer: Tridel
Architect: Burka Architects
Address: 70 Roehampton, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2010
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: 27 storeys
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Toronto Republic Of Yonge And Eglinton Condos | ?m | 27s | Tridel | Burka

I used to go to Northern Secondary just a couple blocks east of NT and walked past it on my way to and from the subway regularly. Just like any urban high school, there were always noisy crowds, school bells and the occasional cop car. I was wondering how easy can it be to sell condos above a high school? I'm sure they have separate entrances for tenants and students, but isn't there a lot of potential for conflict between the condo owners and the high school students?

I was thinking that too, but I walk / drive by this building everyday at varied time, I live across the street :)

I'll tell you, there's really no interaction, they're completed separated entries! Now this is from the outside. So from the inside of the condo - floors 5/6 up I'm sure this is the case.

For anything lower i.e. the fronts the school *internally* that all comes down to what sound proofing measures are in place. Assuming there's a firewall (more then what just separates condo units) there may be a lot of sound proofing .

I think this works out well.

Here's the other thing, after 6pm or so - there's really not much going on, now that the field exists I'm sure we'll see some more but the condo entrances are on the other side, you wouldn't notice anything, nothing more then if you lived by a park, which many do.
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Public Art Installation at NTCI

The playing field is in place and 2 of the 3 public art pieces have been installed. Check out Lindsay's blog and photographs on the Tridel Blog.


I love the new field ... personally a big fan of artificial grass ! The only problem, its too popular ! On any given day its full of people, and on the weekends especially so
