Toronto Regent Park: Daniels on Parliament | 88.25m | 25s | Daniels | Superkül

Quite a prominent angle for 159SW there. The Via Bloor towers should also start rising into view from behind those St. James Town buildings soon.
September 4th

Site Plan Approval application submitted:

Development Applications

Project description:
The proposed development comprises one market condominium (condo) together with a small-scale retail uses and two levels of underground parking. The proposed market condo development will provide a total of 614 residential units comprising 46,830.5 square meters of Gross Floor Area over a 25-storey tower a 10-storey mid-rise component.
From today's UT front page article:




I would have expected Superkül to proposed a more innovative and interesting design...this LOOKS like Regent Park public housing. Maybe they've given up on trying to be "kül".
Aside from the tower, I kind of like it. With the right brick this could be a winner.
I see a lot of people hating on this in the comments, but I think it looks quite nice. Will be a huge upgrade for the area. And aesthetically it seems to match the near-by One Cole building.

This project will really tie in Regent Park to Cabbagetown and bring more vibrancy to this intersection.
Hopefully this will lead to investment on the retail stretch of Parliament through Cabbagetown. It's a ramshackle eyesore. It's all the more surprising considering there's a degree of affluence directly east of it. I suspect they're so used to it being a dump that they've become used to it.
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I see a lot of people hating on this in the comments, but I think it looks quite nice. Will be a huge upgrade for the area. And aesthetically it seems to match the near-by One Cole building.

This project will really tie in Regent Park to Cabbagetown and bring more vibrancy to this intersection.

I think my take was a nuanced one......lots here to like; but a few real problems.

It's a subjective call, of course.

Hopefully this will lead to investment on the retail stretch of Parliament through Cabbagetown. It's a ramshackle eyesore. It's all the more surprising considering there's a degree of affluence directly east of it. I suspect they're so used to it being a dump that they've become used to it.

That's really a bit much.

It certainly has its less than appealing properties and retailers mixed in there; there's doubtless room for much improvement..............but you make it sound like a slum.


Let review some of it:






All images from Streetview

Really, it's not THAT bad.

Yes, there are some lesser stretches. But still.
Might be a stupid question but is the Green Onion Market a confirmed retailer? Or just used as an example in the rendering? I'm curious to see how this looks in real-life. I like the brick but the opaque white balconies reminds me of those used for The Wyatt which don't look great imo.

I do think that the red brick will allow this development to fit in nicely with the Victorian Cabbagetown historic buildings and near-by One Cole.

Right now there is an awkward dead zone retail-wise between Cabbagetown and Dundas/ Parliament, so really anything in that area feels like a huge upgrade. Once it's built, I'm curious to see what type of retailers this will draw into the area. Anyone have any ideas?
