Toronto Rail Deck Development | 239.43m | 72s | Fengate | Sweeny &Co

I just can't get excited about a project that's obviously just an attempt to get more taxpayer dollars for the land. It's clear Tory sees Rail Deck Park as his legacy project and will probably just throw money at making it happen, and these developers know it.

If it is to be a legacy then it needs to be more than a collection of tennis courts and some patches of grass that will be browned by endless dog pee. To be clear, this park will be a project coming with a price tag way north of a billion dollars. That number already puts the whole thing into doubt.

It just might be achievable if the city actually considers what is being proposed here as a positive and holds the developers to achieving high-quality design as one stipulation for being allowed to proceed. I would prefer a slightly smaller green space if it was paid for with high-quality urbanism. The proposal here holds the possibility for this - delivering not only downtown green space, but a public space as well. Add to that, Front street from Spadina to Bathurst would become a real urban thoroughfare rather than an arterial afterthought. And it would be nice if quality architecture like this were promoted over the simplistic tower-on-podium that city planning so loves to push.

Sure, there would obviously be traffic issues, but there are already traffic issues throughout the city. Stopping development isn't really an option to fixing that issue.
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I just can't get excited about a project that's obviously just an attempt to get more taxpayer dollars for the land. It's clear Tory sees Rail Deck Park as his legacy project and will probably just throw money at making it happen, and these developers know it.
If the tax dollar for this project is not siphoned away from those that which is most needed, and that we the public benefit from it instead, then this should not be an issue...outside from the pointless rantings of the armchair demanding penny pincher community. Just saying.
As was mentioned earlier, the case is presently in front of the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal.
i think most of people here do. it's just that we are not confident about this project happening.

I don’t think that’s fair to say at all. Most people here see this as a very transparent attempt to extort public money by upzoning land that the proponent never intends to and cannot feasibly develop. Full stop.
i meant the same thing. i like this project but im not "confident about this project happening". i should have elaborated a bit.
Yeah i like this too but the chances of this being built by Orca as planned is as much of a pipe dream as the City building the western part of Rail Deck Park,
i would sit back and see what develops out of Union Centre/Oxford Park to the east and the City's planned mini Rail Deck Park @ the south east corner of Front and Spadina before going on with building anything huge from Spadina to Bathurst

In that stretch the city could always partner with a developer and build it in various phases throughout the next 20 years
with the 1st phase including a GO Station hub being the parcel @ the south west directly in front of The Well Development
