From the Sept. 7 WT Board Meeting CEO Report:
Queens Quay Funding
The City CA was signed providing all of the design funding required to finalize the Construction Documentation for
Queens Quay Phase 1 (Yo Yo Ma to Bay Street). The balance of the construction funding will be included within WT’s annual City budget submitted in September. (p. 2)
And from the QQ Working Group Meeting 14 Minutes:
Question/comment 1: When will we be able to walk along the ‘new’ Queens Quay?
Response 1: We expect that the construction of this phase of Queens Quay to be completed by
summer 2014. (p. 3)
April Presentation to the QQ Working Group:
QQ Working Group Website:
From the Dec 7 WT Board Meeting CEO Report:
Central Waterfront (“CWF”)
Queens Quay Design
Waterfront Toronto and the design team have circulated responses to the City’s 2nd Submission comments. The final Safety Assessment Report has been received and the design team is currently evaluating the implications before it is circulated to City staff. The Construction Manager, Eastern Construction, is developing its construction plan and schedule. LVM/Franz, our geo-environmental consultant has commenced work.
Community Consultation
On November 1, 2011 Waterfront Toronto hosted the Queens Quay Working Group meeting #14, the final working group meeting for CWF, where we had a brief presentation from our Construction Manager, Eastern Construction, and a brief update on the design. On November 8, 2011 we presented updated BIA Street Animation Elements to the BIA Area Planning Committee. We have also continued our coordination meetings with each of the adjacent private property owners in our effort to finalize Access Agreements.
Ongoing Coordination with the City
We are coordinating with City staff to ensure that they are in a position to expedite road cut and other construction permits. We are also liaising with the city regarding the operational land transfer of some of the Rees Street parking lot lands into the QQ ROW and continue to discuss the City’s preferred location for the required hydro transformers. (p. 1-2)
And some of you will be VERY happy to note this - vis-a-vis paving to property line issues with the Bloor Revitalization Project:
Question/comment 4: In regards to the paving treatment along Queens Quay, has the design team confirmed whether the pavers will be brought to the building line or will it just go as far as the private property line?
Response 4: The design team has initiated discussions with the various property owners along Queens Quay and is asking them if they are interested in linking their respective property into the overall design. We will be seeking a cost-sharing program where Waterfront Toronto and the property owner will share the cost of paving to the building face instead of just to the property line. The majority of people that Waterfront Toronto has talked with are very receptive to this proposal. (p. 4-5)