Toronto Queen & Portland Loft & Condominium Residences | ?m | 9s | Tribute | Turner Fleischer

Ugh. What were they thinking?? I honestly can't believe any of the higher ups involved with this project thought that brick colour actually looks good. "Suburban high school" is a very apt description. Getting tagged would be an improvement.
^Wait a minute, it does look better in person. Ok, so it's not trendy black brick, or better, aA-style red brick, but it's not as appalling as Duke's Cycle around the corner.... Basically, it's a reflection of the developer's conservatism--what is hip Mr Sunshine asks? The answer is filtered through his shopping mall lens.

20 November 2010:



For example, a blah take on coloured spandrel panels is very typical of Mr Moonshine's idea of cool, imho...


Would I live here? Maybe, because I'm lazy and like having groceries at my door (and really close access to two of my favourite eateries/hangouts--Tequila Bookworm and New York Sub! But also keep in mind rats and mice will love this location, and it will be noisy from all the shoppers/drivers etc and drunks at night. A great place to rent then!


Grade: C+ for filling in a parking lot
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The glazing looks like that women's hospital, but with the saturation turned way down. They're trying, but it certainly could've been much more with some more thoughtful and bold colour choices. Overall though, I'll take the middle ground here: B-
While I like the project overall and the location can hardly be beaten, I still think that's possibly the worst brick colour I've ever seen, though admittedly I haven't seen it in person yet. Reminds me of those critically panned Huang & Danczkay condos built on Queens Quay in the 80's.

Now to fill in that ugly parking lot across the street...
I like the brick, think it looks like they are trying to blend it in with what is already there in the area brick wise. Noticed lots of people were not liking it on here so I expected the worst, but I have to say its not as bad imo as many people on here were saying it was.
I live down the street from this project and see it everyday from my windows. I think it's turning out fantastic. The scale is perfect and is the perfect size for the area and I think it will fit in great. I dunno why everyone is so up in arms over brick colour, it's not stellar but at least there's some design and colour to it. Hard to give it a proper opinion since it's still a good way off from the end, but so far, so good on the design front.
I like the brick! Saw it in person today ...

The thing I'm not liking is the top i.e. the glass component.
This isn't turning out very close to the render just yet though - which was very nice.
The glazing looks like that women's hospital, but with the saturation turned way down. They're trying, but it certainly could've been much more with some more thoughtful and bold colour choices. Overall though, I'll take the middle ground here: B-

I'm assuming you mean the YWCA project when you say "that women's hospital".

Bold colours on the glazing would go horribly with the brick they chose. And the brick fits in on Queen Street. So I'm going to say I don't mind this so far, though the glazing colour seems a bit odd with that brick.
I like the strong contrast between the sandy, desaturated brick and the brighter, colourful spandrels. It looks like it'll end up reading as two separate buildings, one on top of another, which is what this is in reality.

Anyway, there were a couple of guys on the site on the weekend, scrubbing and washing the newly laid brick. Is someone from Tribute reading this thread? Anyway, it really does look much better after a scrub, and in general looks better in person than in the photos here.
I don't know about disgusting, but the brick colour is definitely too bland and grayish. A brighter/yellower choice would have looked a lot crisper, and contrasted better with the dark brown strips.

Hopefully this is partly due to mortar and dust being all over everything. A wash when it's all built could make an improvement.

By some of these posts I figured the brick was going to look like cinder block or something. It's definitely not gray, thankfully! I hate all the grey going up on every building. The bricks are a dull yellow and resemble a number of the buildings in the area. The trim is a tan or sand colour. The colours are kind of dull but they are not too bad. (definitely NOT "disgusting") People on these threads have a tendency to be a bit dramatic. lol
I'm assuming you mean the YWCA project when you say "that women's hospital".

Bold colours on the glazing would go horribly with the brick they chose. And the brick fits in on Queen Street. So I'm going to say I don't mind this so far, though the glazing colour seems a bit odd with that brick.

Yeah, YMCA, that's the one. And I figured it'd be clear that a better brick colour choice (black) would accompany the bolder glazing.
Photo taken Dec 5

