Toronto Portland Commons | 71.7m | 15s | Carttera | Sweeny &Co

I want to recreate the vibe from Markham Street by Honest Eds.

Draper street is perfectly positioned to do that.
Since the street is a Heritage Conservation District, you are shit out of Luck.

You have 28 buildings at about $2.5 million each, that $80 million. If you can gut the houses, they will have to be brought up to current code at about another $10 million plus. Then there is the cost of reno and installing the needs for a restaurants on top of the current cost so far.

I sure hope you have deep pockets to do this, since restaurants have a very high failure rate in the first place.
I wasn't thinking of buying the entire street and converting to restaurants.

More so allowing individual owners or houses to be upgraded should they so desire. Right now, that isn't even a possibility because of the zoning.
@WislaHD is right. Two major commercial developments surrounding this quaint residential street? Makes sense for the zoning to be changed to allow commercial. Would be a better fit.
New rendering from Sweeney & Co.

I like the color scheme but i feel like the ground level lacks a fine-grained and feels relentless as if it were housing a overground parking garage
I like the tiered quality of it, but I think they need to mix up the materiality/colour, and the ground level treatment.

As of now it could basically be a hospital building and no one could tell the difference.
This is way too high. It's going to swamp Draper street and the town houses to the west of this proposal. Victoria Park is already suffering from a lack of sun from the surrounding new developments.
Application for Site Plan Approval submitted:

This is way too high. It's going to swamp Draper street and the town houses to the west of this proposal. Victoria Park is already suffering from a lack of sun from the surrounding new developments.
Where are you getting that information? The sun/shadow study shows that almost no shadows would be cast on Victoria Square .
