Toronto Portland Commons | 71.7m | 15s | Carttera | Sweeny &Co

Lots of new cool renderings I haven't seen here before!




POrtland Commons 2.jpg
What I love is that they (Portland Commons, The Well, that building on Wellington) all have a theme of warm coloured podiums with creative materials like terracota and alot of bricks! to be inline with neighbourhood heritage architecture

Creating a distinct look for the Fashion/Entertainment District
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Very curious to see how the canted legs are finished. Some of the renders above show them round with white paint (like QRC) and some show them more angular with a metal finish. The SPA docs seem to show the angular version but they're labelled "painted steel" in the materials legend, which doesn't match any of the renders as far as I can tell, unless they're planning to use a metallic paint. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Poor little Draper Street. It’s going to feel monumentally hemmed in. I’d like to put up one-way Reality Distortion Field fences along the edges of the back yards so that from the viewpoint within the fences, the looming developments on either side would be hidden behind slightly low grade special effect skies. There’s a brownout, and a ripple goes through the sky like a curtain was just blown in the wind. That kinda thing. Could be a tourist attraction. I swear I am not high.

The home owners are going to be very happy in 2 years time when the Well and Portland Commons both get completed, along with the other projects right nearby Draper
Imagine having your own land between the amenities, stores, offices, retails, access to thousands of jobs etc.
Their property values is even going to be higher
Poor little Draper Street. It’s going to feel monumentally hemmed in. I’d like to put up one-way Reality Distortion Field fences along the edges of the back yards so that from the viewpoint within the fences, the looming developments on either side would be hidden behind slightly low grade special effect skies. There’s a brownout, and a ripple goes through the sky like a curtain was just blown in the wind. That kinda thing. Could be a tourist attraction. I swear I am not high.


A real life Truman Show!

Or holodeck!
