Toronto Plaza on Yonge | 108.7m | 32s | Plaza | BDP Quadrangle

Is there a map that shows the shadow these buildings (Plaza on Yonge and M2M) create on their surrounding neighborhoods at different times of the day and at different seasons?
Or is there another tool that can project this based on height and width of the buildings?

If you live nearby, I would think Sun/Shadow of this condo tower is the least of your worry,...

- Google "Toronto Development Application"
- Search AIC ( for 5868 Yonge
- From here
- Choose a recent file above like "19 108243 NNY 18 SA"
- Look through "Supporting Documents" for "Sun/Shadow Study"

Note: This does NOT include other development proposal like Aoyuan M2M, Times Group 5800 Yonge, Inez Court, Ghods 5959 Yonge, Sorbara 5995 Yonge, etc,...



Amazing. Thanks.

A- These pictures are showing only morning sun? (all the timelines say AM in them but seems to be PM too. Also, March/September means March to September?)

1- Also, there is a sign for 46 & 47 Averill and 45 and 53 Cummer for development. What is that about?



2- Are the houses on Averill turning into condos too?

3- 45 and 53 are church and ortho center(?) on Cummer. What is the plan with those?

4- Is there usually a possibility that these condo developments expand more eastward and force homes to sell to the development? (by force I mean house owner won't have much a choice but to sell if surrounding is sold).

5- Where are the townhouses of both projects and what is their shadow like?

6- What are these road like structures showing on Google map east of the condo developments?
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In my previous post, I already taught you how to fish,.... now go fish for yourself and you'll be able to answer all your questions
@Samwan all the info has been posted in the M2M thread over the years. The Averill houses are part of the parkland contribution if I'm not mistaken:

The church and community housing are staying. The Maps thing is an odd way of representing the drive lanes in the parking lot which used to be behind the plaza. Olympic Garden is being extended south and west as a public street. The townhouses are in the podiums. The development is not "expanding" to the east.
In my previous post, I already taught you how to fish,.... now go fish for yourself and you'll be able to answer all your questions

I found the same PDF showing the shadows but timing on those all show AM. I am wondering if these are accurate and what March/September mean (March to September)? They seem to have picked certain months and show and not all months. Is this a reflection of the full year and all times of the day?
@Samwan all the info has been posted in the M2M thread over the years. The Averill houses are part of the parkland contribution if I'm not mistaken:

The church and community housing are staying. The Maps thing is an odd way of representing the drive lanes in the parking lot which used to be behind the plaza. Olympic Garden is being extended south and west as a public street. The townhouses are in the podiums. The development is not "expanding" to the east.


3- Why is United church and community housing building is showing on the Development Proposal sign? Is it some round work for the park?

4- As of now probably there is nothing on the proposal for going more eastward but if they decide and start buying is there a law to stop them? 5959 Yonge had properties not bought listed on their proposal because they had probably bought other properties around them and knew that there is a high chance those properties will give in to the pressure. Is there something in law that says they can't go further back? (according to the new high rise rules above Finch to Steeles)?

5- What are the "podiums"? Can you please highlight this.

6- What I circled in red on the google map snapshot in #6 (previous post) are parking lots of the old bowling plaza? I remember they had parking lots there so this is just Google not updated?

I found the same PDF showing the shadows but timing on those all show AM. I am wondering if these are accurate and what March/September mean (March to September)? They seem to have picked certain months and show and not all months. Is this a reflection of the full year and all times of the day?

Did you even look at the Sun/Shadow Study I posted at your request? Do you understand what you're looking at? You do know that the sun rise in East and set in West,... thus, shadow is to west in AM and to east in PM,.... What does the Sun/Shadow Study show???? What time is 18:18AM? How many hours are on the clock dial??? Which day has the longest daylight? Which day has the shortest daylight? Which days represent the exact day in between? Wouldn't those days in March and September have the exact same amount of daylight???
Did you even look at the Sun/Shadow Study I posted at your request? Do you understand what you're looking at? You do know that the sun rise in East and set in West,... thus, shadow is to west in AM and to east in PM,.... What does the Sun/Shadow Study show???? What time is 18:18AM? How many hours are on the clock dial??? Which day has the longest daylight? Which day has the shortest daylight? Which days represent the exact day in between? Wouldn't those days in March and September have the exact same amount of daylight???

Thanks. They make sense now with your question.

I still don't understand why they wrote 18:18AM. Military clock does not have AM/PM. I am assuming they are referring to 6:18PM.

P.S. What is the law in regards to distance from RRPL for these type of developments?
For south of Cummer/Drewry, read up on North York Centre Secondary Plan,... for north, read up on Yonge Street North Secondary Plan. Walk along the Service Roads of Doris & Beecroft - the boundaries of North York Centre Secondary Plan to see how Single Residential House Neighbourhoods are protected. Join your local Ratepayer Groups,.. Silverview Community Association or Bayview Cummer Neighbourhood Association.
For south of Cummer/Drewry, read up on North York Centre Secondary Plan,... for north, read up on Yonge Street North Secondary Plan. Walk along the Service Roads of Doris & Beecroft - the boundaries of North York Centre Secondary Plan to see how Single Residential House Neighbourhoods are protected. Join your local Ratepayer Groups,.. Silverview Community Association or Bayview Cummer Neighbourhood Association.


Beecroft seems to be the dividing line between Yonge developments and the houses. I don't see such a prominent dividing street on the east side of Yonge in cummer area other than Willowdale which means many more homes to go probably?! (assuming only)

Also, Yonge west side developments are 1.5 times wider to the west than M2M condos area seems. If it is a distance rule then M2M may be allowed to go further west based on example you provided about Beecroft.

Beecroft seems to be the dividing line between Yonge developments and the houses. I don't see such a prominent dividing street on the east side of Yonge in cummer area other than Willowdale which means many more homes to go probably?! (assuming only)

Also, Yonge west side developments are 1.5 times wider to the west than M2M condos area seems. If it is a distance rule then M2M may be allowed to go further west based on example you provided about Beecroft.

@sunnyraytoronto has pointed you in the direction of the information you need. You only need google to get the details. But I'm in a good mood, LOL, so here:


And this:



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For south of Cummer/Drewry, read up on North York Centre Secondary Plan,... for north, read up on Yonge Street North Secondary Plan. Walk along the Service Roads of Doris & Beecroft - the boundaries of North York Centre Secondary Plan to see how Single Residential House Neighbourhoods are protected. Join your local Ratepayer Groups,.. Silverview Community Association or Bayview Cummer Neighbourhood Association.

I looked at those maps.

What does "protected" mean? Isn't that as good city or province changes their plan and extend the RRPL line more east or west?

Also, I have see land assembly in Scarborough where private companies buy about 6-7 houses and turn them into 20+ smaller 4-floor houses with a half-moon roadway and then charge the new owners a monthly fee without it being a condo corp. I assume there is no escape from that type of private development which is not high rise. Or is there protection against that too? (whatever "protection" means).
