Toronto Pinnacle on Adelaide | 144.47m | 46s | Pinnacle | Hariri Pontarini

I believe the other tower you are seeing is either Festival Tower (TIFF) or the one for 21 Widmer the the west which is a very unique looking proposed tower also. Please correct me anyone if I am mistaken.


Umm..definitely not TIFF...TIFF doesn't have any curves in it.
At that point, cue certain posters here who will gleefully chime in that those houses are suddenly "out of context", calling for their demolition a la the St. Thomas.

Hmm. Could that poster be me?

I'm not trying to put any value judgement on whether the small buildings would suddenly be bad. All I am trying to say is that with so many tall projects looking for approval in this area, if they do go through and get built, then the context of the area will suddenly be irrevocably different: those towers will be the new context. I'm not gleeful about it, and neither am I frightful about it: there is just so much planned for this area right now that I cannot imagine how different it is going to feel in 10 years if all of these go ahead.

Anyway, your name is 'Towered', so I declare you to be gleeful about it.

Anyway, your name is 'Towered', so I declare you to be gleeful about it.


Oh I am gleeful, trust me - I love new towers, especially all the interesting designs put forth recently in this area. I can't wait for those ugly parking lots to go. That said, I wouldn't want to see those nice Victorian houses go, even after all these towers are built. Context is overrated.
August 11

The site is located south and west of Adelaide and John.

The historic building on the corner of Adelaide and John is going to be moved to the south end of the property.

The historic building is going to be moved next to the building that is currently a Daniels Festival/Lightbox construction office.
Am I the only one that thinks that it's weird how the side of the firkin pub (the part with the drink ad on it) has no windows? It faces on to the street, but it looks like it was designed to go mid-block.
I think the Firkin bar was moved there from another location, but I'm not sure where. In fact, there are plans to move it again next to the Duke pub (see the OP).
Well, it turns out that this is the 42 storey tower that Hariri Pontarini has designed for Pinnacle:






great find I-42 !

cool ~ the leaning tower of TO :D

For a second I thought this model was made out of chocolate. Reminded me a bit of the gingerbread houses that were made by several architecture firms a few years ago and displayed at Ashley's.

Thanks for the find 42. It's not a bad looking building and if it gets built along with 21 Widmer, 335(?) King, and 310 Richmond, it will be an interesting couple of city blocks
There's nothing wrong with a handful of skyscrapers here or there. The character of the neighbourhood won't change substantially any time soon.

With respect to shadowing, at least they're all clumped together.
