Markham Pavilia Towers | ?m | 36s | Times Group | Icke Brochu

I'm all for height when it comes to buildings, but these towers look so out of place. They are on top of a "hill" and by far the tallest things for a few kilometers. Plus the look isn't very good (IMO). They just don't look good and they tower over everything nearby.
I'm all for height when it comes to buildings, but these towers look so out of place. They are on top of a "hill" and by far the tallest things for a few kilometers. Plus the look isn't very good (IMO). They just don't look good and they tower over everything nearby.
There's several other towers allegedly planned nearby, as high as 50 stories which will dwarf this one. So it won't look too out of place if that pulls through
Looks like glass glazed incorrectly on those 2 floors and will eventually be corrected to match the rest of the tower
How is stuff like that fixed? I assume there are margins priced into the budget for situations just like this? I also assume this is too major to be fixed at PDI, so would it be done before the tower is complete?
How is stuff like that fixed? I assume there are margins priced into the budget for situations just like this? I also assume this is too major to be fixed at PDI, so would it be done before the tower is complete?
Looks like the glass just needs to be flipped, not a major fix but will be done definitely prior to PDI.
How is stuff like that fixed? I assume there are margins priced into the budget for situations just like this? I also assume this is too major to be fixed at PDI, so would it be done before the tower is complete?
The glass supplier would be on the hook for replacing the glass with the correct type.

