Toronto Ontario Line 3 | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx

The DRL is going to be stupefyingly expensive once it reaches the edge of the CBD because of the density of mapped and unmapped utilities (plus PATH, plus connections to YUS and street). My view therefore is that DRL should be ~500ft articulated/ATO between Don Mills/Eglinton and the west side of the CBD because we're going to have to pack every warm body possible into it to justify the capital cost, and the impact of any retrofitting from medium to high density technologies once in service would be ruinous. I'm not saying it would have to use TR type cars/1495mm/third rail, just that it would have to operate at ppdph levels we are familiar with. Realistically 1495mm subway gives us the most long run options in respect of swapping cars between lines as T1s are currently being moved to B-D.

Metrolinx are trying to wheedle DRL down to Bathurst North yard to justify their satellite yard. I'm not sanguine on that since it may require pulling the DRL E-W alignment further south than optimal, bearing in mind the difficult of any diagonal jog from a more northerly street.

What subway to Don Mills would give is -
1. an invitation to Metrolinx to take another look at the CP GO options bearing in mind CP's requirements for Agincourt Yard bypasses etc., since the CP line passes ~500m north of the intersection. Between terminating riders working in the commercial parks and those transferring to the subway to access destinations between Science Centre and the Don, it may start clearing cost-benefit screens.
2. an opportunity to build on the existing very large car parks in the nearby commercial parks which hopefully the LRT will have already started curtailing demand for. With two rapid transit options, the Science Centre may also be able to downsize its parking requirement in favour of additional build either to use or lease out.

By the end of 2014, beginning of 2015, we should see a long list of route and station options. That means you should submit your ideas for where the line will go, the number of stations, and where the stations should go, now. Start at, or this link, and go from there.
doing a pre buildout for something like that adds $50 million to the cost of the ECLRT and very well may not be up to code by the time the subway actually comes along regardless, only further driving up costs. You are significantly raising the price of the ECLRT to potentially save a few dollars on a project that may happen, maybe, 2 decades from now.
Well if that one station will not be up to code, that would mean the entire DRL will not be. It makes more sense to build out or at least the station box to Weston in phase one. Lets get some long term planning. The cost will always be higher in the future.
Well if that one station will not be up to code, that would mean the entire DRL will not be. It makes more sense to build out or at least the station box to Weston in phase one. Lets get some long term planning. The cost will always be higher in the future.

Not so fast. If we're talking about building something like a station box for a line that might be built 50 years in the future, you have to consider that there is also 50 years of maintenance costs that need to be factored in.

I hope to hell that it doesn't take 50 years for the line to get up to Eglinton, but there isn't much of a point in spending that money if it doesn't need to be spent.

Toronto, Ont.
Which King and George? The one at Weston GO? Or the one a block east of King and Jarvis. Both are near proposed DRL stations.

Lets not get smart but perhaps posts can be more clear. If you are building the DRL and the maps I have seen show it starting at Pape, going south and then east along lets say King or Front (or wherever) and then eventually north west to Dundas West. When you say you hope it reaches Spadina I assume you mean that the first phase hits at least Spadina and Front (if Front is choosen as the east/west route). Since everyone was saying the first phase starts in the east and will end at Bay it did not make sense for you to say you hope it reaches Spadina. Which is why I thought the Spadina line which did not make sense to me and what you said did not make sense.
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I'd doubt it, given how bent out of shape he was about people using Weston or Black Creek to refer to Mount Dennis station.

I am not bend out of shape but but you should state the facts or perhaps just the 2 of you should be on this forum. Or you guys can start your own private forum and be as inaccurate as you both wish.
Someone sure as hell sounds bent out of shape to me. has most of your answers for the eglinton line and we are basically speculating on the DRL line. Actually you know whose bent out of shape. I am.. Because everyday I open these posts for either news or good discussion and the thread keeps getting derailed by someone who is taking things too personally.
Does the name Palma (ending with an a) sound like a male? Guess you guys do not have any international languages to understand that names that end in "a" are females and "o" males.
lol not everyone uses their real names as their screename. The name 'Palma' could be anything.
