Toronto oneeleven Condominiums | 55.47m | 17s | Harhay | Core Architects

The problem with all these condos is I no longer have any privacy taking photos, which is one reason I'm scaling back my updates. I almost miss the empty downtown of the '90s. But considering all the condoKIDS marching up Bathurst to their posh jobs, it's strange that so few pause to snap photos of buildings under construction :p








Time to change my name to the suburbandreamer?!
That's probably the best I've seen of one shot capturing so many developments, large and small, over that last decade or so. There are dozens of threads it could be put in. Excellent!
Awesome pic Jasonzed! I love the mid rise scale of the blocks captured in this frame. It offers a different density model from the tower blocks that have dominated development in Toronto over the last few decades. I have nothing against those high rise blocks - in fact I enjoy them - but I do enjoy the diversity of strolling across Spadina into King West and feeling like you are in another neighbourhood with a distinct built form identity. As can be seen, there are still a number of lots and buildings that can be redeveloped in the area, so it should continue to evolve over the next few decades. Can't wait for the Well and whatever they are calling Context King West now!

As an aside, when is the park next to the City Place Library - seen in the top right of Jasonzed's photo - slated to be built?
That's probably the best I've seen of one shot capturing so many developments, large and small, over that last decade or so. There are dozens of threads it could be put in. Excellent!
Yes, but two is enough. This one and Musée were the right threads to put it in!

The problem with all these condos is I no longer have any privacy taking photos, which is one reason I'm scaling back my updates. I almost miss the empty downtown of the '90s. But considering all the condoKIDS marching up Bathurst to their posh jobs, it's strange that so few pause to snap photos of buildings under construction

Time to change my name to the suburbandreamer?!

I think I saw you weeks and weeks ago taking photos of Beyond the Lake.

Wow that's amazing, are there many other examples of that 'punched' window design here in Toronto ?
