Edilcan moves their projects faster than Tridel's that is just across their Valhalla site. Occupancy is slated for tower on April 2012 - but that wont likely to happen, so probably occupancy will be pushed to Summer 2012. Tower two occupancy Fall 2012, and last phase tower occupancy Summer 2013. Sales for last phase will begin after new years most likely.
I am afraid those Tridels buildings will take a long time before they see construction on them, due to their location and cost. It took them donkey ages to tear the existing structure down.
Forget 2012 for the tower, as it will not happen by your date. Summer/Fall is a timeline for the Townhouses.
The 2nd tower will not start until spring or summer of 2012 with the 3rd one until 2014 based on what I am seeing.
As of Dec 06, all the landscaping around the sales office has been removed. Window/door frames being installed on the south townhouses.
The 2nd townhouses complex is near rough completion and could see the roof go up on those 2 complex in Jan.