Beyond the idea that 'people are ignorant,' I fail to see the congruence between smoking and environmental knowledge. Often smokers understand the facts and do truly want to quit yet continue their habit because it is chemically addictive. In the end, smokers (so long as it's done outside) are only harming themselves. Climate change however, effects us all and is something that cannot be solved by a single broad stroak or valliant treaty.
We are addicted to energy and, like smokers, need a step-by-step program to help ease the habit. I'm not trying to preach a moralist stance here since I too use my fair share of energy. I can however, see the benefts of things like green roofs, grey water collection and other measures to help mitigate the long-term effects.
This is why I can't let an 'I don't want green roofs because they're ugly' argument stand in the way of a clever solution to some rather glaring problems. I'm not going to reiterate the points since they lie in the posts above this one, but for people to express such an opinion seems a tad decadent, don't you think?
I'm sure you know that other countries are mandating green technology in new structures to help reduce their energy usage (I refuse to use the term 'carbon footprint' since it is vague and only describes one aspect of the problem). Shouldn't we do the same?