Toronto Nordic Condos | 40.3m | 12s | Collecdev-Markee | gh3

They're being pretty disingenuous with a boulevard that wide in that render. We'll be lucky if there is one at all.
Shouldn't there be some kind of law requiring more actuate depictions when used to sell a property?
The first proposal was better IMO, there's something a bit off with the latest version that I can't quite put my finger on.

Maybe a change in massing?
Here is a side-by-side for an easier comparison (previous rendering to the left, new to the right)

View attachment 169527

Personally, I prefer the new render. The volumes shifted at odd angles and changes in thickness of the window frames make for a more visually appealing result.
So it appears people are a bit mixed up on this thread.
The "new" images linked by @AlbertC appear to be dated 2017/04 on the website when you mouse over them. This would make the November 2018 plan the most current.
Screen Shot 2019-01-03 at 1.46.29 PM.png

Sorry to disappoint!
