Toronto Nordic Condos | 40.3m | 12s | Collecdev-Markee | gh3

The transformation of this area is quite exciting, especially with all the future change coming.

Now with all the new people here who will walk to the subway connection, one really should ask what the heck are these insane lane widths? This should be criminal. It's twice the width of the car. It's scary that this is considered normal, it's a tax drain and a safety issue. I hope the city has a plan to narrow this road.

Not super visible in these photos, but I noticed the railing on the balconies have been installed on the rental building when I walked by the other day, my first thought was prison bars.
Park design is out. Personally super disappointed it's going to be another playground (when there are 2 in walking distance) and not something useful like a community garden or more adult fitness oriented. Can't imagine the residents in the condo are going to love the drums and chimes.

...Air Transat seems to photo bombing your pic on the top right hand corner though.🙀
