Toronto No. 31 Condos | 153.63m | 46s | Lanterra | Arquitectonica

Site Plan application submitted:

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Likin' this one... the problem with renders is colour change... is it red/orange brick (or brick equivalent)- yes please... or is it brown?

Would actually love a 250m take on this building downtown somewhere south of Bloor. Stick out like a sore thumb (or an orange finger)... in a good way.

Bring more yellows, reds and oranges into towers not just podiums. That's what the Don Valley brickworks et al served up for 100+ years. Though not a "tower" the Morgan was/is a personal fav. Selby is nice but a little off the main drag.
If Lanterra uses that same garbage spandrel here at the rate that they did with Britt Condos, this design will be ruined and DOA. Which would be a shame because it could be very intriguing if they execute with the right materials.

Lanterra is way too Jekyll and Hyde for my liking.
This will be very noticeable presence when entering the city along the Gardiner or by train. The overall concept reflects shades of the Shelby or residential buildings you'll possibly find in Chicago or Long Island City, NY.

Although, based on renderings it tends to look worse when you examine it closer and closer. Spandrel and mullion treatment will be key. IMO, the details on Arquitectonica's Aqualina at Bayside (by Tridel) leaves a lot to be desired.
There's a reason why they haven't shown the renderings for the north and west elevations - there's a mess of spandrel shown on the elevation drawings where the fire stairs are located.
