Toronto Nicholas Residences | ?m | 35s | Urban Capital | Core Architects

I'll second the nay to cantilevered balconies. They're uninviting, they're too shallow to be used practically, they lack privacy, they lack shelter, and they break up the facade of a building in a way that I find unappealing.

I agree with your points re: lack of privacy and shelter (I wouldn't buy a unit with a balcony like this) and if you want to see shallow, check out a few buildings in my nabe like The Met/Encore or Murano. That said, I do find the cantilevered balcony design pleasing to the eye, as impractical as they may be to some people. There are some fine mid-rise developments downtown which also employ the cantilevered balcony technique and look terrific.
I'll second the nay to cantilevered balconies. They're uninviting, they're too shallow to be used practically, they lack privacy, they lack shelter, and they break up the facade of a building in a way that I find unappealing.

They're only shallow because it would cost more money to make them functionally sized and as we all know, in boom-town-Toronto, more money = not going to happen. As such we are left with small viewing platforms or, at best, spaces for a small breakfast table and a couple of chairs. The really silly thing is that many older buildings have massive balconies upon which one might have space for a small, al fresco affair.

I find no offense in their aesthetic though, particularly the randomized affair Core has 'dreamed up' here.
The concept of a cantilevered balcony kind of necessitates that they be shallow. If you build them deeper it exacerbates the problems with exposure to the elements and privacy.

But to each his own. People keep buying those silly little excuses for balconies so I suppose someone must like them. Myself, I bought in a building that has recessed balconies and I'm quite happy with my choice
I really wish they had kept the peanut shape for the it's now shorter and a typical! Watch, it'll be a grey colored box.
Agreed on the peanut building...

I'm happy it's going to be glass, this area needs more glass, even though many areas of the city don't. It may even help to add some extra light to the area. I've noticed some nice reflections coming off of Casa.
A voice of reason among the other newspaper stories out there...

The NIMBY crusade against a Toronto condo

224-unit building is planned for quiet St. Nicholas Street, near Bloor and Yonge – and local residents are none too happy

Marcus Gee

Published on Wednesday, Oct. 14, 2009 11:59PM EDT Last updated on Thursday, Oct. 15, 2009 2:34AM EDT

What, me NIMBY? Neighbourhood groups that oppose development in their backyard always deny that selfish motives play any part in their campaign against that new building, widened street or bigger power station.

The Save St. Nick group is a classic example. The St. Nickers have been waging a crusade against the construction of a condo tower in their little corner of downtown Toronto. The 244-unit building would rise on quiet St. Nicholas Street, near Bloor and Yonge.

Located in the heart of the city, in an area thick with new condos and apartment blocks, the development fits perfectly with the city's official plan. The plan aims to “intensify” the downtown by getting more and more people living and working in the heart of the city, making optimum use of transit and getting people out of their cars.

Excellent idea in theory, say the St. Nickers. Just not in our backyard. At a committee hearing this week, they came forward to rage against the plan.

One resident said the neighbourhood would be overrun by “condo sales agents and people with a quarter million bucks to get in on a hot deal.” Another decried “suffocating towers that weigh against serenity and sensitivity.” Yet another presented city councillors with a homemade cake in the shape of the charming St. Nicholas streetscape, with a condo tower made of Rice Krispie squares looming over it.

Their passion for the area is understandable. St. Nicholas is indeed a charming little street. Part of it is lined with quaint Victorian row houses and modern knockoffs in red brick.

But there is nothing to suggest the new condo will “ruin” the street. None of the Victorian cottages will be knocked down for the development. It will replace a three-storey building that currently houses a Jesuit college.

To satisfy city planners and appease residents, the developer will preserve the facade of the college and preserve the flavour of the streetscape. Under an agreement with the city, it will help improve the street with landscaping and tree planting. It has also agreed to limit the tower to 29 storeys instead of the planned 44 – a shame, because the figure-of-eight-shaped original was much more interesting.

Why, then, are the St. Nickers still so angry about this project? “We are not a group of fringe NIMBYs,” says Hy Rosenberg, writing for the group. “All we are looking for is for the city to enforce the existing zoning by-law for that property and allow an 8- to 10-storey, tastefully designed low-rise.”

In other words, what they hate is its height. Most NIMBYs share this allergy. Whenever a new apartment or condo tower threatens to go up anywhere in Toronto, residents swarm out with torches and pitchforks to get it cancelled – or at least cut it down to size. It's a weird vestige of small-town thinking. The proliferation of high-rise residences in downtown is doing wonders for the city, bringing thousands more people into the core and making it a livelier, more livable place.

Downtown dwellers like the St. Nickers should understand that better than anyone. There are already two big apartment buildings next to the site where the new condo is to rise, one of them 20 storeys the other 24. They haven't destroyed St. Nicholas. Bay Street just to the west is becoming a veritable forest of high-rise condos. If the city won't allow a tall building to go up in a district like this, its drive to intensify downtown is sunk.

Fortunately, a city planning committee okayed the development this week, sending it up the line to city council for final approval. Residents are bitter. “We are not opposed to intensification,” said Shawn Tracy, president of the Bay Corridor Community Association. Sure. Just as long as the intensity happens somewhere else.
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it will replace a three-storey building that currently houses a jesuit college.

knock it down!!!!
Knock it down!!!!
Knock it down!!!!

The Jesuits are tough bastards, you don't want to mess with them.

They look harmless to me.:rolleyes:


They are probably laughing all the way to the bank.:D

you overlooked these scary guys on the google image search... :D
"Give me a child until he is seven, and I'll be in jail."
- Nova Scotia Bishop Raymond Lahey
I am so glad they approved this project. Intensification is needed in the core. This is a great area to live, I am ready to register to be first to purchase a unit here.
Bring it on, knock down that ugly brick building? No great loss!
I am so glad they approved this project. Intensification is needed in the core. This is a great area to live, I am ready to register to be first to purchase a unit here.
Bring it on, knock down that ugly brick building? No great loss!

The building at the corner (15 St. Mary St.) goes and the 3-storey Planning Mill building at 65-67 St. Nicholas Street will be torn down and the façade reconstructed a few feet to the north at some point after the parking levels are dug out. I like this location a lot too but it's all about those balconies that would keep me from buying there. Perhaps the balconies on the south side match the north side. Casa is still closest to my heart.

Oct. 24th

A few photos of the corner of St. Nicholas & St. Mary Streets + the east side of St. Nicholas Street south of the project. The building on the corner will come down, the building to the south will be disassembled and rebuilt.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

Sorry for the poor quality photos. My camera died so I'm using a borrowed camera for the first time today that I'm not familiar with until I can decide on & purchase a good Canon or Nikon. Suggestions welcome, please PM me.

