Felis catus
I don't think you have the planning heft to deal with these issues which is why you glorify tall buildings, swoon over renderings and ignore the merits of good and comprehensive planning.
What a charmer you are. At least you've got your dukes up now.
I don't "have the planning heft?" What an asinine comment. Condescend much? You launched your unfocused attack here with empty complaints, and all I have asked is that you flesh them out, and actually point them somewhere, which you are finally doing. You don't know if I support this building or not, and you know nothing about me, but you presume to know my understanding of and depth of involvement in TO urban affairs… so good for you in choosing a snotty ad hominem dismissal. Very endearing.
I don't agree with Ramako's characterization that "the vast majority of members of this forum are unabashedly pro-development", as if we accept everything as presented without question. I'm not sure how he can claim to know what the percentages are of who thinks what. I also disagree with his inference that if you've only posted on local issues on Urban Toronto that that's bad. Who is to say how much of the city one has to post about before one is allowed to have a worthwhile opinion? Write about whatever you want to Patrick…