Toronto Minto Westside | 68.88m | 20s | Minto Group | Wallman Architects

this summer? I hope Rock Oasis know about this... Wow where did you get this information?

Even i know about it...and im 5000 miles away.:p


The Rock Oasis is moving!

Location until June 27, 2011:
27 Bathurst St.

Location starting June 28, 2011:
Suite 204 - 388 Carlaw Ave.
The Lambo dealership has been long gone.

Strangely the Tesla pop-up display (sponsored by Minto) in the empty retail space only lasted for a week -- it's gone this week. The window display didn't have much punch, so I think it was set up for an event rather than a marketing display.
the Tesla was part of Minto's The St. Thomas sales office marketing thingy. They drove it down to the Front and Bathurst location for some reason, i'm not sure.
Farewell to Rock Oasis - a Climbing Gym story

I realize that the focus of this thread is about the upcoming development at this site. Nevertheless, those of you with an interest in Toronto's industrial heritage might find the following post engaging.

I'm a climber at Oasis, and naturally I am sad about the building's impending demolition.


To mark the occasion I have written a (somewhat lengthy) sentimental essay about the Victorian and early 20th century history of the building at this site (the Doty Engine Works), and the heritage context of the surrounding neighbourhood. I also interview Rock Oasis' founder about the history of the climbing gym, and examine the economic forces and policy framework that led to the building's looming destruction.

The essay can be found here.


Thanks for reading. Sorry for interrupting the thread with a look at the past. And now back to the future...
Oh, if only those misguided Torontonians of yore had known that subways are the only true form of urban transit, we may have avoided ever laying tracks there. Ahh how backwards we once were - building transit for everyone - it's good to know that the mayor sees the errors of past ways and is righting our course by providing transit for...some!
plink, thanks for the essay. The whole neighbourhood needs that kind of historical remembrance - before its all gone.

Why this building along Bathurst isn't considered "heritage" is beyond me. Looking at this image, it's beautiful and clearly a part of our history.
thank you thank you thank you i have been looking for info on this building for years for i was working in it until we got kicked out too! i am sad to see it go as well. i am truly amazed at your efforts and results on this essay and i love the passion. thanks again!!
Here you go.. something that is not crazy tall.:)


OPA / Rezoning 11 230641 STE 20 OZ Ward 20
- Tor & E.York Jun 30, 2011 --- --- --- ---

rezoning applciation to permit the redevelopment of the lands for the purposes of a new mixed use development with a gross floor area of 80,709m2 consisting of 970 resdiential dwelling units above a one storey retail podium in four towers ranging in height from 4 to 22 stories. Included in the proposal is the rpovision of 960 parking spaces to be located in a below grade parking facility service the development
The parking spaces/resdiential dwelling units ratio of 960/970 seems very high.
