Toronto Minto Midtown | 160.01m | 52s | Minto Group | Zeidler

I'll reserve further judgment until I see the lighting in person, at night. In the closeup it looks unfinished.

Regarding the towers themselves, they sure make one hell of an impact. I work just north of Eglington, out by Warden, and they really punctuate the skyline looking due west from Ashtonbee Road. The end result is brilliant, as they really add a sense of place to "midtown Toronto", and are prominent from so far. Also, in the most recent pictures posted, they really have that nifty pseudo-futuristic Hong Kong look going for them. I actually quite like the effect, they're modern without being either throwbacks or just plain cheesy.

Ego - where is this 'Eglington' you refer to? But back on topic: this tower's lights look crappy from any distance, and any photo that says otherwise has been doctored.

That's a cue for 3D to come up with a lighting scheme for this building that would look good, even from Eglinton Avenue.

To each his/her own.
Ego - where is this 'Eglington' you refer to? But back on topic: this tower's lights look crappy from any distance, and any photo that says otherwise has been doctored.

That's a cue for 3D to come up with a lighting scheme for this building that would look good, even from Eglinton Avenue.


lollin @ dis

To be honest, I can't even remember if I've ever realized that there's no second G in Eglinton. I think it stems from the fact that almost everyone who says it seems to pronounce the mystery G. Reading Eglington now looks so horribly wrong though.
You're right Ego - it seems that most people call it 'Eglington' when saying it. If we didn't have Islington here too, I don't think that second g would show up so much in text and speech.

I once saw signs inside Erin Mills Town Centre referring to Eglington, and you'd think that management there would send someone to walk out to the road they're on and see how it's spelled.

Ah yeah, I see how Islington could subconsciously trick the mind. It's quite possible that it's the culprit for my mistake. That's pretty bad regarding a mistake in the signage, and I'm certain I've seen it spelled with two Gs on signage as well.
Thanks to the new lighting at the top, one can discern the tower on the subway at night as one travels over the Prince Edward Viaduct.

I enjoy recognizing an intersection from afar based off its landmark tower.
It's really noticeable from many directions. I can even discern Yonge and Eg from Broadview, looking across Riverdale Park now. Photos to come soon, hopefully we'll have a decent sunset sometime this weekend. There are a lot of 'view from Riverdale' shots I want to do with all the development on the north-south skyline.
It glows faintly like a tacky BMO-ish sign at night. A pity my P&S camera doesn't take good night shots. But yeah, it acts as a beacon. However, I wonder how soon before the condo board shuts it off as a cost-saving measure?

In Forest Hill, it also reminds one that we're in Toronto, not suburbia.
For me it's mostly noticeable going south on the Don or around the Science Centre. It's great; you always know which way to Yonge & Englinton.
Le Gourmand opening March 15:

Heads up, Starbucks, you're getting company! Le Gourmand will be making home on Yonge south of Eglinton and is set to open on March 15. Le Gourmand - whose long-standing café location on Spadina near Richmond is well known to even the budding hipster– is knee deep in construction mode with the new space, but is expected to open with similar menu and fussy décor but for a looser atmosphere. A wise move given its location. The upscale area will definitely embrace the café (high prices and all) because of their large coffee selection and signature pastry selection - like banana bread pudding dusted in icing sugar. – D.L.

The grand opening is March 15
2177 Yonge St., Toronto, ON.

Nice opening hours:
Mon. - Sat.: 7am – 11pm
Sun.: 8am – 9pm
March 22 2009 update

finding myself @ Yonge & Eglinton tonight ... the lighting on Quantum2 doesn't bother me ... however it WOULD BE nice if they did something on Quantum1 as well just to make the two tower pinnacles complement each other ~

So one tower has rooftop lighting but not the other? That's a shame.
Looks good from Yonge and Montgomery!


Nice view. Funny, my attention goes right to the little urban streetscaping here rather than to the building in the backdrop. I'd love to see more of this all over the city, with tree canopies along the streets. I'd also love to see the city embrace traffic circles where appropriate. They are great opportunities for this sort of landscaping.
