Toronto Market Wharf | 110.33m | 33s | Context Development | a—A

This area was once Lake Ontario. Since it is made of landfill it most certainly needs to have footings that reach down to solid earth.
If I recall at Trump they also securred the footings sideways into the bedrock
Looks like building permit application had been submitted for Phase 2:

pplication: Partial Permit Status: Not Started

Location: 18 LOWER JARVIS ST

Ward 28: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 10 135922 FND 00 PP Accepted Date: Mar 22, 2010

Project: Mixed Use/Res w Non Res Partial Permit - Foundation

Description: Part Permit - Proposal to construct a 34 sty condo including 8 sty podium (retail on ground floor and 329 residential units) on south east corner of property. NOTE - see active bld permit for north podium - 09 179985. MARKET WHARF - PHASE 2

Application: New Building Status: Not Started

Location: 18 LOWER JARVIS ST

Ward 28: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 10 135922 BLD 00 NB Accepted Date: Mar 22, 2010

Project: Mixed Use/Res w Non Res New Building

Description: Proposal to construct a 34 sty condo including 8 sty podium (retail on ground floor and 329 residential units) on south east corner of property. NOTE - see active bld permit for north podium - 09 179985. MARKET WHARF - PHASE 2
I just drove past this project today. Will this building have underground parking. If not then who agrees with me with a high eyebrow.
I noticed them bulding up already and I didnt see any hole. SO WEIRD, unless parking will be above ground.
I just drove past this project today. Will this building have underground parking. If not then who agrees with me with a high eyebrow.
I noticed them bulding up already and I didnt see any hole. SO WEIRD, unless parking will be above ground.

Read back in the thread. The OMB allowed them to have above ground parking because it was 'too expensive' to excavate the site and deal with contaminated soil.
umm ok so they are building above contaminated soil? Why is it contaminated and is it still safe to live there?
The building is 34 sty high. Does that include the garage? thx guys :p im just wondering and dont really have time to flip flop thru the threads.
purchaser agreements included a clause stating that the developer would not be held responsible if residents paraded around on the ground floor in bare feet, or if residents chewed, swallowed, or even licked the earth around the building. as long as purchasers take those simple precautions, living at Market Wharf should be somewhat benign.
umm ok so they are building above contaminated soil? Why is it contaminated and is it still safe to live there?
The building is 34 sty high. Does that include the garage? thx guys :p im just wondering and dont really have time to flip flop thru the threads.

Yes it is still safe to live there. It is/was contaminated due to industry that existed a half + century ago. And... yes, it includes the garage because the garage is in the podium (something around 6 stories or so) which is above ground.....
First level already going up? I knew they were close, but already?!

Any piccies? :)
That second shot shows so much! Excellent update.

I'm thrilled to see this go up-- I think it's going to be a new favourite on UT, or at least among the Clewesians.
Great to see this rise so quickly... It's a long year or so that we have to wait when underground parking is included in a project. Love this building's design!
According to the Globe today: "Already Thursday the company [Shoppers Drug Mart] decided it will drop plans to open new stores in Ontario this year unless it already has a deal to do so, and shift investments to more pharmacy friendly provinces, he said.

The retailer, which has more than 1,170 stores – almost half of them in Ontario – had plans for as many as 40 new outlets this year, although he didn’t say how many of them were slated for that province. “We will try to do absolutely our minimum investment in Ontario.” "

Shoppers are supposed to be the occupant of the lower floor of Phase 1 but as the building is already underway I assume it will not change that and assume they have a contract for the space but will they now try to sub-let it or just open with shorter hours.
